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You are here: Home / Teams / Henry T - I2BA / News / Looking for a post-doctoral fellow in bacteriology/T6SS

Looking for a post-doctoral fellow in bacteriology/T6SS

The I2BA team is recruiting a post-doctoral fellow to work on Francisella T6SS and its effectors (more details below).


Post-doc in bacteriology/biochemistry



Francisella tularensis, the agent of tularemia, is an intracellular bacterium replicating in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells including macrophages. Its virulence and its intracellular life cycle are dependent on an atypical type VI secretion system (T6SS) and its associated effectors. Despite, the key role on virulence, F. tularensis T6SS is still poorly understood, especially regarding the mechanisms controlling the secretion of the effectors and to the molecular mode of actions of the effectors.


We have established a fantastic consortium to decipher F. tularensis T6SS mechanisms that includes a team specialized in host-pathogen interactions (Thomas Henry @ CIRI, Lyon), a team specialized in the structure and function of nano-machines with a strong expertise in cryo-EM (Rémi Fronzes @IECB, Bordeaux), a team specialized in bacterial macromolecular complexes with a strong expertise in X-ray crystallography (Laurent Terradot @MMSB, Lyon) and a team specialized in clinical tularemia (Sandrine Boisset @National reference center for tularemia, Grenoble University Hospital).


This position is opened in the Centre de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI, INSERM U1111) in Thomas Henry’s team. The CIRI is a highly dynamic environment fostering interactions between immunologists, bacteriologists, virologists and clinicians and providing all the necessary platforms and facilities for the project. This position is opened starting in January 2023 for one year renewable for a total of 3 years.  


For more information and to apply for this position, please contact Thomas HENRY ( Please include a cover letter addressing your interest in the position along with your CV, summary of your research experience and contact information of two professional references.


Team Website

T. Henry's CV


R. Fronzes’s team @IECB, Bordeaux

L. Terradot’s team @MMSB, Lyon









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