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Open research positions
To heighten its projects on the molecular and cellular virology of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), HEAL, the Hepatotropic & Emerging Agents Laboratory is seeking to recruit: - A post-doctoral scientist in molecular virology - An Engineer in molecular and cellular biology
Located in Teams / Cosset FL - EVIR / News
Post-doc - Immuno-Therapy (updated)
EVIR Team: "Genetic reprogramming of B cells to enhance their therapeutic properties before autologous transfer"
Located in Teams / Cosset FL - EVIR / News
File Postdoctoral scientist - Molecular mechanisms of bacterial and eukaryotic immunity
The Microbial Molecular Genomics lab led by Dr. François Rousset is hiring a postdoc to investigate the molecular basis of bacterial immune systems and their evolution in the eukaryotic lineage.
Located in Teams / Rousset F - GenoMic
Post-doctoral position in skin immunity
A 2-year post-doctoral position for a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral fellow is available in the team of Dr Marc Vocanson at the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), in Lyon, France.
Located in Teams / Vocanson M - IEA / Actualités
PhD position in skin immunity (EIA team)
A PhD under a "CIFRE convention" is opened in EIA team. It will start in September 2024.
Located in Teams / Vocanson M - IEA / Actualités