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You are here: Home / Directory / Cimarelli A-LP2L

Cimarelli A-LP2L

Full Name Institution E-mail Status
CHANTHARATH Amandine ENS +1N amandine.chantharath[at] Research Intern - ENS-Lyon
CIMARELLI Andrea ENS +1N andrea.cimarelli[at] Principal Investigator (PI) - DR CNRS
DEMEURE Rémi ENS +1N remi.demeure[at] Doctorant/PhD student - UCBL
DEYMIER Severine ENS +1N severine.deymier[at] Doctorante
ETIENNE Lucie ENS +1N lucie.etienne[at] Principal Investigator (PI) - DR CNRS
LE CORF Amandine ENS +1N amandine.lecorf[at] Doctorante/PhD student
LEGRAND Alexandre ENS +1N alexandre.legrand[at] Doctorant
MAESEN Sarah ENS +1N sarah.maesen[at] IGE Engineer
MOTTAGHINIA Saba ENS +1N saba.mottaghinia[at] Postdoc fellow
NGUYEN Xuan-Nhi ENS +1N xuan-nhi.nguyen[at] IE
SONG Yuxin ENS +1N[at] Postdoc fellow
VADON Charlotte ENS +1N charlotte.vadon[at] Doctorante/PhD student
XIA Tingting ENS +1N tingting.xia[at] Doctorante/PhD student