>38 associate professors and professors from Univ Lyon 1 & ENS de Lyon
CIRI members are teachers and members of the direction or co-direction of the following master programs and participate in many others:
- Master research program in infectious disease, Univ Lyon 1.This Master Research program was created in 2011 to train young researchers in infectious diseases, microbiology, virology, immunology and vaccinology. It was honored in 2013 by receiving international visibility with the Label “Université de Lyon”. The recognition of this Master contributed to the creation of the international ERASMUS MUNDUS “LIVE” (Leading International Vaccinology Education) Master research program in which several professors and associate-professors from CIRI are implicated.
- Applied Infectiology sub-program, Univ Lyon 1. This Master forms students on infectious diseases with the vocation to work in the industry. Since its opening in 2007, different partnerships have been established, especially in teaching units concerning the legal framework of pharmaceutical products or technological monitoring. The companies involved in these partnerships include Sanofi-Pasteur and bioMérieux but other well-known industries such as Merial - Boehringer Ingelheim also actively participate in the formation of the students during their final training course.
- Master Biosciences, ENS de Lyon, Univ Lyon 1.The Biology Master is a high-level academic program in general biology with a special emphasis on research. At the same time, a certain degree of specialization is possible through the choice of electives courses and internships. Application of students from abroad is encouraged through specific scholarships. Total enrolment is limited to 60 students.
>65 pHD students currently in training, 65 potential pHD directors.
- BMIC doctoral school co-headed by Mathias Faure.
- E2M2 doctoral school
Discover the pHDs defended in the last years.
>75 trainees each year
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