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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Henry T - I2BA / Publications


Publications majeures de l'équipe (2015-2022)

Liste complète actualisée: Google Scholar


Magnotti F, Chirita D, Dalmon S, Martin A, Bronnec P, Sousa J, Helynck O, Lee W, Kastner DL, Chae JJ, McDermott M, Belot A, Popoff M, Sève P, Georgin-Lavialle S, Munier-Lehmann H, Tran TA, De Langhe E, Wouters C, Jamilloux Y@, Henry T@(@co-senior author)

Cell reports, 2022 Oct 11



Jamilloux Y, Mathis T, Grunewald O, Dollfuss H, Henry T, Sève P, Meunier I

Journal of Clinical Immunology, 2021 June 222020:

Magnotti F, Malsot T, Georgin-Lavialle S, Abbas F, Martin A, Belot A, Fauter M, Rabilloud M, Gerfaud-Valentin M, Sève P, Duquesne A, Hot A, Durupt S, Savey L, Giurgea I, Grateau G, Henry T@, and Jamilloux Y@ (@co-senior author)

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2020 Oct 9



Magnotti F, Lefeuvre L, Benezech S, Malsot T, Waeckel L, Martin A, Kerever S, Chirita D, Desjonqueres M, Duquesne A, Gerfaud-Valentin M, Laurent A, Sève P, Popoff MR, Walzer T, Belot A, Jamilloux Y@, Henry T@ (@co-senior author)

EMBO Mol Med. 2019 Oct 7

Benaoudia S, Martin A, Puig Gamez M, Gay G, Lagrange B, Cornut M, Krasnykov K, Claude JB, Bourgeois CF, Hughes S, Gillet B, Allatif O, Corbin A, Ricci R, Henry T.

EMBO Rep. 2019 Jul 29



Tromp AT, Van Gent M, Abrial P, Martin A, Jansen JP, De Haas CJC, Van Kessel KPM, Bardoel BW, Kruse E, Bourdonnay E, Boettcher M, McManus MT, Day CJ, Jennings MP, Lina G, Vandenesch F, Van Strijp JAG, Jan Lebbink R, Haas PA, Henry T@, Spaan AN@(@co-senior author)

Nature Microbiol. 2018 May 7

Lagrange B, Benaoudia S, Wallet P, Magnotti F, Provost A, Michal F, Martin A, Di Lorenzo F, Py FB, Molinaro A, Henry T

Nature Communications, 2018 Jan; 9 (1), 242

Jamilloux Y*, Lefeuvre L*, Magnotti F*, Martin A, Benezech S, Allatif O, Penel-Page M, Hentgen V, Sève P,  Gerfaud-Valentin M, Duquesne A, Desjonquères M, Laurent A, Rémy-Piccolo V, Cimaz R, Cantarini L, Bourdonnay E, Walzer T, Py BF, Belot A, Henry T.

Rheumatology, 2018 Jan 1;57(1):100-111.



Wallet P*, Benaoudia S*, Mosnier A, Lagrange B, Martin A, Lindgren H, Golovlev I, Michal F, Basso P, Djebali S, Provost A, Allatif O, Meunier E, Broz P, Yamamoto M, Py BF, Faudry E, Sjöstedt A, Henry T.

Plos Pathogens, 2017 Oct2;13(10).



Rigard M, Bröms JE, Mosnier A, Hologne M, Martin A, Lindgren L, Punginelli C, Lays C, Walker O, Charbit A, Telouk P, Conlan W, Terradot L@, Sjöstedt A@, Henry T@(@co-senior author)

PLOS Pathogens, 2016, Aug 24



Spaan AN*, Reyes-Robles T*, Badiou C, Cochet S, Boguslawski KM, Yoong P, Day CJ, de   Haas CJC, van Kessel KPM, Vandenesch F, Jennings MP, Le Van Kim C, Colin Y, van Strijp JAG, Henry T@, and Torres VJ@*Co-first, @Co-corresponding/Co-senior author

Cell Host and Microbes, 2015 Aug 26

Meunier E*, Wallet P*, Dreier RF, Costanzo S, Anton L, Rühl S, Dick MS, Dussurgey S, Kistner A, Rigard M, Degrandi D, Pfeffer K, Yamamoto M, Henry T@ and Broz P@.#Co-first, @Co-corresponding author

Nature Immunology, 2015 Mar 16