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You are here: Home / Teams / Vocanson M - IEA / Actualités / PhD position in skin immunity (EIA team)

PhD position in skin immunity (EIA team)

A PhD under a "CIFRE convention" is opened in EIA team. It will start in September 2024.

PhD position in skin immunity

opened at CIRI, Lyon, France


Team: Epidermal Immunity & Allergy



Keywords: Skin immunology, resident memory T cells, atopic dermatitis, preclinical and translational studies.


Starting date: September 2024


Description: A PhD position for a highly motivated and talented student is available in the team of Dr Marc Vocanson at the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), in Lyon, France. The research activities of the team focus on the pathophysiology of allergic skin diseases, particularly eczemas and drug allergies. Using preclinical models and patient samples, we seek to decipher the mechanisms by which allergens promote or circumvent immune tolerance and induce allergic responses.

Recent work from the team unravelled a crucial role for tissue-resident memory T (TRM) cells in the exacerbations and chronicity of eczemas, including atopic dermatitis (AD), a prevalent skin inflammatory disease.  The aim of the project will consist of (i) deciphering the mechanisms that lead to the formation and long-term persistence of skin TRM in AD, and (ii) developing new therapeutic approaches targeting TRM in this disease. To this end, the candidate will capitalize on well-established preclinical AD models as well as on skin and blood samples from patients.

The PhD work will be conducted in collaboration with an industry partner under the establishment of a “CIFRE convention”.


Work environment: The host laboratory is part of the CIRI – Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (, in Lyon, France. The CIRI offers many technological facilities (animal housing, cytometry and cell sorting, microscopy…). It is located on the Campus Charles Mérieux, a research environment endowed with strong basic biology sciences and a particular dedication to research in immunology, virology and bacteriology. The CIRI organizes weekly seminars with national and international speakers. The team of Dr Vocanson organizes regular seminars for PhD students and postdoctoral scientists. The team has weekly internal team lab meetings and journal clubs.

Candidate profile:

  • Scientific:
  • Master 2 (or equivalent diploma) in immunology.
  • Major interest for skin immunity.
  • Soft skills:
  • Enthusiastic, flexible, ambitious and strongly committed to research.
  • Ability to identify research objectives and meet agreed deadlines.
  • Excellent communication, presentation and writing skills.
  • Ability to work independently and collaborate in team.
  • Good sense for initiative and quality, accuracy and detail, team player.
  • Language: English is required. French is a plus.


Application: Candidates are invited to contact Marc Vocanson ( for further details. Please send an application with the following:

  • Cover letter.
  • Curriculum vitae.


Deadline for application: 30th of June 2024

Recent publications of the laboratory related to the position:

  • Braun C et al. The accumulation of Staphylococcus aureus-specific tissue resident memory T cells exacerbates atopic-dermatitis-like flares in mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2024).
  • Ono et al. Topical corticosteroids inhibit allergic skin inflammation but are ineffective in impeding the formation and expansion of resident memory T cells. Allergy (2024).
  • Laoubi L et al., Epicutaneous allergen immunotherapy induces a profound and selective modulation in skin dendritic cell subsets. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2022).
  • Scheinman PL, Vocanson M et al. Contact Dermatitis. Nat Rev Dis Primers (2021).
  • Villani AP. Massive clonal expansion of polycytotoxic skin and blood CD8+ T cells in patients with toxic epidermal necrolysis; Sci Advances (2021).



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