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A breath of humanity in the era of Covid-19 vaccine
Located in Teams / Vanhems P - PHE3ID / Actualités
A neutralizing antibody prevents postfusion transition of measles virus fusion protein
Zyla DS, Marca RD, Niemeyer G, Zipursky G, Stearns K, Leedale C, Callaway H, Sobolik E, Hariharan C, Parekh D, Avalos RD, Horvat B, Mathieu C, Greninger AL, Hastie KM, Niewiesk S, Moscona A, Porotto M, Saphire EO. Science
Located in Teams / Horvat B - IbIV / Actualités
A new mechanism for perversion of the viro-induced nuclear pore
Bertrand Boson, Chloé Mialon, Konstanze Schichl, Solène Denolly, François-Loïc Cosset. mBio
Located in Teams / Cosset FL - EVIR / News
A prospective observational study for justification, safety, and efficacy of a third dose of mRNA vaccine in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis
by M.Espi, X.Charmetant (...) and O.Thaunat, Kidney International 2021, DOI : 10.1016/j.kint.2021.10.040
Located in Teams / Thaunat O - NOPAB / Actualités
A stable hepatitis D virus-producing cell line for host target and drug discovery
Bach, Lucifora et al., Antiviral Research, 2023 / Team HepVir
Located in Teams / Durantel D - HepVir / What's new for us?
A vaccine targeting antigen-presenting cells through CD40 induces protective immunity against Nipah disease
Located in Teams / Horvat B - IbIV / Actualités
Located in Teams / VIDALAIN PO - VIRIMI
Last publication form the team
Grass, V. et al., Communication Biology 2022, VIV Team.
Located in Teams / Dreux M - VIV / News
Aflatoxin B1 and Epstein-Barr virus-induced CCL22 expression stimulates B cell infection.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Apr 16;121(16):e2314426121.doi: 10.1073/pnas.2314426121. Mohamed Ali Maroui, Grace Akinyi Odongo, Lucia Mundo, Francesca Manara, Fabrice Mure, Floriane Fusil, Antonin Jay, Tarik Gheit, Thanos M Michailidis, Domenico Ferrara, Lorenzo Leoncini, Paul Murray, Evelyne Manet, Théophile Ohlmann, Marthe De Boevre, Sarah De Saeger, François-Loïc Cosset, Stefano Lazzi, Rosita Accardi, Zdenko Herceg, Henri Gruffat#, Rita Khoueiry#.
Located in Teams / Ohlmann T - REVE / News
ALPK1 gene mutations drive autoinflammation with ectodermal dysplasia and progressive vision loss
ALPK1 is a kinase sensing a bacterial metabolite from the LPS biosynthesis pathway. Our favorite clinician describes a new family of patients. This rare monogenic disease associated with vision loss is still poorly known in the field of autoinflammation and this description of a new family of patients should raise awareness on the inflammatory symptoms associated with this disease.
Located in Teams / Henry T - I2BA / News