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Congrès de l'European B cell network
Equipe NOPAB : 3ème meilleure équipe au congrès de l'ESOT
The ROMANOV study found impaired humoral and cellular immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in virus-unexposed patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis
Espi M, Charmetant X, et al, Kid Int 2021
Congrès annuel du Club Francophone des Cellules Dendritiques (CFCD) du 16/12/2021 08:30 au 17/12/2021 17:30 Institut Necker Enfants Malades (INEM), Paris
Le Club Francophone des Cellules Dendritiques (CFCD) organise cette année son congrès annuel à Paris du 16 au 17 octobre 2021 sur le thème de la biologie des phagocytes en conditions normales et pathologiques. Le programme et tous les informations pour les inscriptions sur
A prospective observational study for justification, safety, and efficacy of a third dose of mRNA vaccine in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis
by M.Espi, X.Charmetant (...) and O.Thaunat, Kidney International 2021, DOI : 10.1016/j.kint.2021.10.040
Predictive factors of a viral neutralizing humoral response after a third dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in kidney transplant recipients
by X.Charmetant, M.Espi (...) and O.Thaunat, American Journal of Tranplantation 2022, DOI : 10.1111/ajt.16990
Infection or a third dose of mRNA vaccine elicits neutralizing antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 in kidney transplant recipients
by X.Charmetant, M.Espi (...) and O.Thaunat, Science Translational Medicine 2022 DOI : 10.1126/scitranslmed.abl6141
Inverted direct allorecognition triggers early donor-specific antibody responses after transplantation
X.Charmetant, CC.Chen, S.Hamada [...] and O.Thaunat Science Translational Medicine, 2022