What's new for us?
Interplay Between CMGC Kinases Targeting SR Proteins and Viral Replication: Splicing and Beyond
Pastor F et al., Frontiers in Microbology, 2021 / Team HepVir
PhD defense from Manon Desmares, team HepVir
"Insights on the mode of actions of TLR2 agonists against HBV replication"
Evidence for long-term association of virion-delivered Hepatitis B virus Core protein with cccDNA independently of viral protein production
Lucifora, Pastor et al., JHep Reports, 2021 / Team HepVir
Inducers of the NF-κB pathways impair Hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) replication & strongly decrease progeny infectivity in vitro
Michelet, Alfaiate, Chardès et al., J Hep Reports, 2022 / Team HepVir
Inhibitory Effect of IL-1b on HBV and HDV Replication and HBs Antigen-Dependent Modulation of Its Secretion by Macrophages
Delphin et al., Viruses, 2022 / Team HepVir
PhD defense of Marion Delphin, team HepVir
Polarization of Hepatic Macrophages by HBsAg, a means to an end for viral maintenance
Loss of hepatitis D virus infectivity upon farnesyl transferase inhibitor treatment associates with increasing RNA editing rates revealed by a new RT-ddPCR method
Verrier et al., Antiviral Research, 2022 / Team HepVir
Insights on the antiviral mechanisms of action of the TLR1/2 agonist Pam3CSK4 in hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected hepatocytes
Desmares et al., Antiviral Research, 2022 / Team HepVir
A stable hepatitis D virus-producing cell line for host target and drug discovery
Bach, Lucifora et al., Antiviral Research, 2023 / Team HepVir
Induction of a strong and long-lasting neutralizing immune response by dPreS1-TLR2 agonist nanovaccine against HBV
Lamrayat et al., Antiviral Research, 2023 / Team HepVir
Un monde de Virus, Médecine Science
Le numéro de décembre coordonné par Anna Salvetti (équipe HepVir) et Hélène Dutartre (équipe OR) et consacré à la présence et au rôle des virus dans la biosphère. https://medecinesciences.org/fr/ https://pic.twitter.com/hfctvoob1V
Farnesoid X receptor alpha ligands inhibit hepatitis delta virus in vitro replication and virion infectivity
Legrand, Lucifora et al., Hepatology Communications, 2023 / Team VIRIMI and Team HepVir
Interferon-dependent and independent mechanisms drive Hepatitis Delta Virus interference on Hepatitis B Virus RNA production
Lucifora et al., Journal of Hepatology, 2023 / Team HepVir
Deciphering the phospho-signature induced by hepatitis B virus in primary human hepatocytes
Pastor et al., Frontiers Mircrobiology, 2024 / Team HepVir
The dual-specificity kinase DYRK1A interacts with the Hepatitis B virus genome and regulates the production of viral RNA
Pastor et al., Plos One, 2024 / Team HepVir