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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Thaunat O - NOPAB / Actualités / Post-doc position in transplant immunology

Post-doc position in transplant immunology

The Laboratory of Prof Thaunat, MD, PhD at Lyon University School of Medicine, Department of Transplantation and Clinical Immunology is accepting applications for a postdoctoral fellow in transplant immunology.


The Transplantation and Clinical Immunology department of Lyon University Hospital (Hospices Civils de Lyon, HCL) is France's second university hospital. HCL have pioneered solid organ transplantation with Alexis Carrel in the beginning of the 20th century and have since maintained a tradition of innovation in this field (development of anti-lymphocyte serum in the 60s’, the first hand and face transplantations performed in the world…etc). HCL transplantation department is currently one of the largest transplantation centres in Europe, performing 200+ transplantations a year. Among its expertise is the transplantation diabetic patient: HCL performed the first pancreas transplantation in Europe and is a founding member of the GRAGIL network established in 1999 to develop islet transplantation.
The HCL, in collaboration with INSERM unit 1111 (CIRI) is actively involved in translational research. Through a multidisciplinary approach combining, immunology, cell biology, and clinical research, plus a strong interface with the industry, the CIRI intends to be a research centre opened to therapeutic innovation. Within CIRI, using the cutting-edge research facilities available on the site, the research group led by Prof Thaunat combines in depth analysis of clinical samples and murine experimental models to gain insights into the immunological mechanisms responsible for allograft rejection.

Position Description

This position is available within the frame of an H2020 European consortium, which has the goal of developing bioartificial pancreas, with properties of increased functionality and implantability and protection from immune destruction. To achieve our goal, we combine advanced tissue engineering strategies, such as 3D organoid generation, hydrogel design, bioartificial organ assembly, and CRISPRCas9 gene editing.
The prospective post-doc will contribute to developing an implantable insulin-producing construct ,suitable for preclinical testing in collaboration with immunologists, ,endocrinologists and transplant surgeons. More specifically, she/he will be in charge of validating the tissue engineering strategies aiming at preventing the rejection of the bioartificial pancreas.


Applicants must have strong organizational and communication skills, be highly self-motivated, and should have a recent Ph.D. degree or M.D./Ph.D. degree in immunology.
Communication skills with collaborators at different institutions, both verbal and written, including in the English language, are essential.
The candidate will be expected to contribute to experimental design, oral presentations in international meetings and manuscript writing.
Candidates must have hands-on skills for experimental models in mice and the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Experience with murine models of transplantation (in particular islet and vascularized organs), multicolour flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, image acquisition and analysis will be preferred.

What do we offer?

• The successful candidate will be part of an exciting project in an EU-funded H2020 consortium. He will benefit from a rich and collaborative research environment including the Lyon University School of Medicine and the CIRI laboratory in Lyon, as well as a dynamic network of collaborators across Europe.
• Lyon, the 2nd largest city on France, is renowned for its gastronomy and its rich cultural life. Lyon is ideally located only 2h away from the ski resorts of the Alps, the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea, and Paris.
• Financial support is initially available for 2 years. Time extension is negotiable after this period
• Starting Date: Autumn 2021 (negotiable)

Interested applicants should send a cover letter describing their research experience and career goals, along with their CV, list of publications and the names and email addresses of at least three professional references, to

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