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You are here: Home / Teams / Cimarelli A - LP2L / Job Openings in the Lab / THREE-YEAR POST DOCTORAL POSITION AVAILABLE


A three-year post doc position is available in our lab to study the interplay between cellular innate defense proteins, the microtubule network and RNA viruses from different families (Rhabdoviridae, Orthomyxoviridae and Flaviviridae).

Our laboratory is interested in decorticating the interactions between cellular and viral proteins that regulate the ability of the cell to support, or impair, viral replication. We are currently seeking for a highly motivated candidate to work on the relationship between RNA viruses and the microtubule network, by studying in particular the role of certain microtubule-associated proteins in antiviral responses.


The Post doc Position is funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) for 36 months and will focus on the characterization of the interplay between cellular innate defense proteins, the microtubule network and RNA viruses from different families (Rhabdoviridae, Orthomyxoviridae and Flaviviridae). Using several complementary approaches, that include microscopy, proteomics and viral infections, the project is expected to shed light to the changes and the cellular proteins that can alter the MT network in a pro- or anti-viral role, overall contributing to advance our understanding of the weight of the cytoskeleton in viral infection.


Funding Salary will depend on experience and is based on national grids.

The starting date is as soon as possible.


Candidates must possess a PhD and be able to conduct their research enthusiastically  both in an independent manner and also as part of a team and should possess prior experience in virology and/or cell biology.


Our Research Environment. The laboratory is hosted within the CIRI, an institute supported by INSERM, CNRS, UCBL and ENS and dedicated to multi-disciplinary research in infectious diseases in Lyon-France. The CIRI provides an exciting, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment in which to carry out research, with topics that range from immunology, bacteriology to virology and is itself embedded in the Lyon-Gerland Area that also hosts other research Centers. The Institute provides all the state-of-the-art facilities that will be used to carry out the project.

Our lab hosts people from different countries and our working language is English.




Candidates should send their application, CV and contact information for referees, to:



Further information is presented on our laboratory homepage (

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