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The dual-specificity kinase DYRK1A interacts with the Hepatitis B virus genome and regulates the production of viral RNA Pastor et al., Plos One, 2024 / Team HepVir
Deciphering the phospho-signature induced by hepatitis B virus in primary human hepatocytes Pastor et al., Frontiers Mircrobiology, 2024 / Team HepVir
Nicolas Kern Coquillat, Louis Picq, Ameline Hamond, Pierre Megy, Sarah Benezech, Annabelle Drouillard, Nina Lager-Lachaud, Edern Cahoreau, Marielle Moreau, Lucie Fallone, Anne-Laure Mathieu, Floriant Bellvert, Carine Nizard, Anne-Laure Bulteau, Thierry Walzer, Antoine Marçais /// Nature Metabolism, 2025 Jan 3
Pillet S, Cantais A, Noailly B, Jospin F, Zekre F, Boussetta-Charfi O, Chenafi-Adham S, Bourlet T, Fourati S, Paul S. Lancet Infect Dis. 2024. doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(24)00600-5.
Yaugel-Novoa M, Noailly B, Jospin F, Pizzorno A, Traversier A, Pozzetto B, Waeckel L, Longet S, Pillet S, Botelho-Nevers E, Rosa-Calatrava M, Bourlet T, Paul S. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2024. doi:10.1080/22221751.2024.2401940
Jacquemin C, El Orch W, Diaz O, Lalande A, Aublin-Gex A, Jacolin F, Toesca J, Si-Tahar M, Mathieu C, Lotteau V, Perrin-Cocon L, Vidalain PO. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2024 Jul 30;81(1):320. doi: 10.1007/s00018-024-05361-6.
CIRI General Assembly, January, 14th
Inserm, Le magazine n°63, december 2024
The medal was awarded at a ceremony on December 17.
Revue Nat. Rev. Drug Discovery from LYACTS team
6 décembre 2024
Explanatory video and latest publication from the REVIDA Chair
Congratulations to Emilie Laurent and Aurélien Traversier !
Job offers
To heighten its projects on the molecular and cellular virology of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), HEAL, the Hepatotropic & Emerging Agents Laboratory is seeking to recruit: - A (...)
A PhD under a "CIFRE convention" is opened in EIA team. It will start in September 2024.
EVIR Team: "Genetic reprogramming of B cells to enhance their therapeutic properties before autologous transfer"
A 2-year post-doctoral position for a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral fellow is available in the team of Dr Marc Vocanson at the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), (...)


NK/ILC symposium 2024 (16-18.10.24)

The NK/ILC symposium 2024 will take place at the amphithéatre Mérieux, Ecole Normale Supérieure, (...)


4th december, save the date !

First Scientific day of the Microbiota Study Group (GEM) (05.07.24)

You are a health professional and/or researcher and you would like to know more about microbiota (...)


Séminaire CIRI (28.02.2025): Pr. Amy CHUNG

Characterizing antibodies against infectious diseases

Séminaire CIRI (27.02.2025): Frédéric GROS

"Autophagy-related proteins in B cell receptor trafficking and antigen presentation"

Thesis defenses

Soutenance de thèse Thibaut Halegua. Equipe REVE (09-12-2024)

"Conception de particules pseudo-rétrovirales délivrant le complexe ribonucléoprotéique du (...)

Soutenance de thèse de Killian Rodriguez, équipe GIMAP (09/12/2024)

Étude des interactions hôte-pathogène impliquées dans la dynamique des compartiments (...)