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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Cosset FL - EVIR / Actualités / Post-doc - Immuno-Therapy (updated)

Post-doc - Immuno-Therapy (updated)

EVIR Team: "Genetic reprogramming of B cells to enhance their therapeutic properties before autologous transfer"

Post-doctoral position open at CIRI, Lyon, France


“Genetically reprogramming of B cells to enhance their therapeutic properties
before autologous transfer”


The laboratory EVIR - Enveloped viruses, Vectors and Immunotherapy - at CIRI is welcoming applications from enthusiastic and independent post-doctoral candidates to coordinate its research projects on the genetic reprogramming of B cells, aiming to trigger the expression of therapeutic molecules under regulation by in vivo sensing of diseases-specific signals. The overall goal is to validate POC studies for active immunotherapy strategies that target chronic diseases (onco, infectious and inflammatory). The
projects include both in vitro and in vivo experiments, which are supported by a group of 3-4 personnel. The position is currently available and funded for 4 years (PEPR BBIT – “B-cell genetic engineering for new therapeutic and vaccine modalities”), but also includes the possibility to apply for a permanent position.

Environment: The host laboratory is part of the CIRI - International Center for Infectiology Research (, in Lyon, France. The laboratory provides state-of-the-art facilities for cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry and top-level animal housing. It is located on the Campus Charles Mérieux, a research environment endowed with strong basic biology sciences and a particular dedication to research in immunology and gene/cell therapy. Moreover, the host lab has several projects on basic science research (particularly in Immuno-Virology) and a particular interest in translating its basic science discoveries in translational research in immunotherapy. These discoveries notably led to the development of new pseudotyping of lentiviral vectors, allowing the modification of immune cells, which were notoriously hard to modify. The lab has filed several patent applications, including two patents on B cell reprogramming strategies.

Candidates: The applicants are expected to have a strong background in immunology and cellular biology. The ideal candidates should be highly motivated, curious, and enthusiastic to work in a highly collaborating team. Prior experience in flow cytometry, ELISA, viral production, animal experimentation, and international training will constitute an advantage. Proven ability to identify research objectives and meet agreed deadlines, self-motivation, flexibility, and assistance to other ongoing research work is essential. Excellent written and communication skills in English are required. Candidates that already have permanent positions from a French national research organism (CNRS, Inserm) are also welcome.

Application: Candidates are invited to contact for further details. Please send an application with the following:

- Cover letter
- Concise summary of previous research activities
- Curriculum vitae including publication list and contact details for 2-3 referees
Deadline for application: 30th June 2024

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