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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Paul S - GIMAP / Actualités / Proof-of-Concept Human Organ-on-Chip Study: First Step of Platform to Assess Neuro-Immunological Communication Involved in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Proof-of-Concept Human Organ-on-Chip Study: First Step of Platform to Assess Neuro-Immunological Communication Involved in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Int. J. Mol. Sci.: Gabriel-Segard T., Rontard J., Miny L., Dubuisson L., Batut A., Debis D., Gleyzes M., François F., Larramendy F., Soriano A., Honegger T. and Paul S.

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are complex chronic inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Recent evidence suggests that the gut-brain axis may be pivotal in gastrointestinal and neurological diseases, especially IBD. Here, we present the first proof of concept for a microfluidic technology to model bilateral neuro-immunological communication. We designed a device composed of three compartments with an asymmetric channel that allows the isolation of soma and neurites thanks to microchannels and creates an in vitro synaptic compartment. Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical glutamatergic neurons were maintained in soma compartments for up to 21 days. We performed a localized addition of dendritic cells (MoDCs) to either the soma or synaptic compartment. The microfluidic device was coupled with microelectrode arrays (MEAs) to assess the impact on the electrophysiological activity of neurons while adding dendritic cells. Our data highlight that an electrophysiologic signal is transmitted between two compartments of glutamatergic neurons linked by synapses in a bottom-up way when soma is exposed to primed dendritic cells. In conclusion, our study authenticates communication between dendritic cells and neurons in inflammatory conditions such as IBD. This platform opens the way to complexification with gut components to reach a device for pharmacological compound screening by blocking the gut-brain axis at a mucosal level and may help patients.

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