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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Cosset FL - EVIR / Actualités / Lipoprotein receptors: A little grease for enveloped viruses to open the lock?

Lipoprotein receptors: A little grease for enveloped viruses to open the lock?

François-Loïc Cosset and Solène Denolly. JBC, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107849

Several studies recently highlighted the role of lipoprotein receptors in viral entry. These receptors are evolutionarily ancient proteins, key for transport of lipids as well as other signaling molecules across the plasma membrane. Here, we discuss the different families of lipoprotein receptors and how they are hijacked by enveloped viruses to promote their entry into infected cells. While the usage of lipoprotein receptors was known for members of Flaviviridae family and for vesicular stomatitis virus, the last four years have seen the discovery that these receptors are used by many genetically unrelated viruses. We also emphasize how viral particles interact with these receptors and the possible targeting of these host factors as antiviral strategies.

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