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You are here: Home / Teams / Vocanson M - IEA / Actualités / Epicutaneous allergen immunotherapy induces a profound and selective modulation in skin dendritic-cell subsets

Epicutaneous allergen immunotherapy induces a profound and selective modulation in skin dendritic-cell subsets

Laoubi L, Lacoffrette M, Valsesia S, Lenief V, Guironnet-Paquet A, Mosnier A, Dubois G, Cartier A, Monti L, Marvel J, Espinosa E, Malissen B, Henri S, Mondoulet L, Sampson HA, Nosbaum A, Nicolas JF, Dioszeghy V, Vocanson M. Allergy. 2021. 76(12):3697-3712
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