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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Lina B/Rosa-Calatrava M - VirPath / M. Rosa-Calatrava group / Publications / Recherche Scientifique

Recherche Scientifique

Antiviral Activity of Active Materials: Standard and Finger-Pad-Based Innovative Experimental Approaches.


Szpiro L, Bourgeay C, Hoareau AL, julien T, Marie Y, Rosa-Calatrava M and Moules V.
Materials 2023, 16, 2889


Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection enhances and reshapes spike protein-specific memory induced by vaccination.

Barateau V, Peyrot L, Saade C, Pozzetto B, Brengel-Pesce K, Elsensohn MH, Allatif O, Guibert N, Compagnon C, Mariano N, Chaix J, Djebali S, Fassier JB, Lina B, Lefsihane K, Espi M, Thaunat O, Marvel J, Rosa-Calatrava M, Pizzorno A, Maucort-Boulch D, Henaff L, Saadatian-Elahi M, Vanhems P, Paul S, Walzer T, Trouillet-Assant S, Defrance T.
Sci Transl Med. 2023 Mar 15;15(687):eade0550
doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.ade0550. Epub 2023 Mar 15. PMID: 36921035.


Antiviral efficacy of favipiravir against Zika and SARS-CoV-2 viruses in non-human primates.

Marlin R, Desjardins D, Contreras V, Lingas G, Solas C, Roques P, Naninck T, Pascal Q, Behillil S, Maisonnasse P, Lemaitre J, Kahlaoui N, Delache B, Pizzorno A, Nougairede A, Ludot C, Terrier O, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Relouzat F, Chapon C, Ho Tsong Fang R, van der Werf S, Rosa Calatrava M, Malvy D, de Lamballerie X, Guedj J, Le Grand R.
Nat Commun. 2022 Aug 30;13(1):5108.
doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32565-w. PMID: 36042198 Free


Potent human broadly SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing IgA and IgG antibodies effective against Omicron BA.1 and BA.2.

Planchais C, Fernández I, Bruel T, de Melo GD, Prot M, Beretta M, Guardado-Calvo P, Dufloo J, Molinos-Albert LM, Backovic M, Chiaravalli J, Giraud E, Vesin B, Conquet L, Grzelak L, Planas D, Staropoli I, Guivel-Benhassine F, Hieu T, Boullé M, Cervantes-Gonzalez M, Ungeheuer MN, Charneau P, van der Werf S, Agou F; French COVID Cohort Study Group; CORSER Study Group; Dimitrov JD, Simon-Lorière E, Bourhy H, Montagutelli X, Rey FA, Schwartz O, Mouquet H.
J Exp Med. 2022 Jul 4;219(7):e20220638.
doi: 10.1084/jem.20220638. Epub 2022 Jun 15. PMID: 35704748


Interactions Between SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Major Respiratory Viruses in Human Nasal Epithelium.

Pizzorno A, Padey B, Mouton W, Oliva J, Trouillet-Assant S, Rosa-Calatrava M and Terrier O. J Inf Diseases. 2022 Aug 29;jiac357


Biotechnological production of sialylated solid lipid microparticles as inhibitors of influenza A virus infection

Richard E, Traversier A, Julien T, Rosa-Calatrava M, Putaux JL, Jeacomine I, Samain E.July 2022 Accepted in Glycobiology

Molnupiravir combined with different repurposed drugs further inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in human nasal epithelium in vitro

Jonsdottir HR, Siegrist D, Julien T, Padey T, Bouveret M, Terrier O, Pizzorno A, Huang S, Samby K, Wells TNC, Boda B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Engler O and Constant S. Molnupiravir combined with different repurposed drugs further inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in human nasal epithelium in vitro. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 150 Volume 150 June 2022, 113058

The value of open-source clinical science in pandemic response: lessons from ISARIC. 

ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group.Lancet infect Dec; 21(12):1623-1624

Influenza viruses and coronaviruses: Knowns, unknowns, and common research challenges. 

Terrier O, Si-Tahar M, Ducatez M, Chevalier C, Pizzorno A, Le Goffic R, Crépin T, Simon G, Naffakh N.

PLoSPathog. 2021 Dec 30;17(12):e1010106. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010106. PMID: 34969061; PMCID:PMC8718010.  


Flagellin From Pseudomonas aeruginosa Modulates SARS-CoV-2 Infectivity in Cystic Fibrosis Airway Epithelial Cells by Increasing TMPRSS2 Expression. 

Ruffin M, Bigot J, Calmel C, Mercier J, Givelet M, Oliva J, Pizzorno A, Rosa-Calatrava M, Corvol H, Balloy V, Terrier O, Guillot L.

Front Immunol. 2021 Dec 7;12:714027. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.714027. PMID: 34950129; PMCID: PMC8688244.


Treatments for covid-19: Lessons from 2020 and new therapeutics options.

Salasc F, Lahlali T, Laurent E, Rosa-Calatrava M and Pizzorno A. 

Nov 2021 Accepted in Current Opinion in Pharmacology.


Greater age-dependent risk of COVID-19 death with type I IFN autoantibodies. 

Manry J, Bastard P, et al, COVID-STORM Clinicians, NIAID Immune Response to COVID Group, NH-COVAIR Study Group, Danish CHGE, Danish Blood Donor Study, St. James's Hospital, SARS CoV2 Interest group, French COVID Cohort Study Group, Imagine COVID-Group, The Milieu Intérieur Consortium, CoV-Contact Cohort, Amsterdam UMC Covid-19 Biobank Investigators, COVID Human Genetic Effort, CONSTANCES cohort, 3C-Dijon Study, Cerba Health-Care, Etablissement du Sang study group, Casanova JL, Abel L, and Cobat A. 

Jan 2022, New England journal of medecine


Avian Cell Line DuckCelt®-T17 Is an Efficient Production System for Live-Attenuated Human Metapneumovirus Vaccine Candidate Metavac®. 

Chupin C, Pizzorno A, Traversier A, Brun P, Ogonczyk-Makowska D, Padey B, Milesi C, Dulière V, Laurent E, Julien T, Galloux M, Lina B, Eléouët JF, Moreau K, Hamelin ME, Terrier O, Boivin G, Dubois J, Rosa-Calatrava M. 

Vaccines (Basel). 2021 Oct 16;9(10):1190. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9101190. PMID: 34696298; PMCID: PMC8540687.


Viral and Bacterial Co-Infections in the Lungs: Dangerous Liaisons. 

Oliva J, Terrier O.

Viruses. 2021 Aug 30;13(9):1725. doi: 10.3390/v13091725. PMID: 34578306; PMCID: PMC8472850.


Hamster organotypic modeling of SARS-CoV-2 lung and brainstem infection.

Ferren M, Favède V, Decimo D, Iampietro M, Lieberman NAP, Weickert JL, Pelissier R, Mazelier M, Terrier O, Moscona A, Porotto M, Greninger AL, Messaddeq N, Horvat B, Mathieu C.

Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 4;12(1):5809. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26096-z. PMID: 34608167; PMCID: PMC8490365.


Early nasal type I IFN immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is compromised in patients with autoantibodies against type I IFNs.

Lopez J, Mommert M, Mouton W, Pizzorno A, Brengel-Pesce K, Mezidi M, Villard M, Lina B, Richard JC, Fassier JB, Cheynet V, Padey B, Duliere V, Julien T, Paul S, Bastard P, Belot A, Bal A, Casanova JL, Rosa-Calatrava M, Morfin F, Walzer T, Trouillet-Assant S. 

J Exp Med. 2021 Oct 4;218(10):e20211211. doi: 10.1084/jem.20211211. Epub 2021 Aug 6. PMID: 34357402.


COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study. 

ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group*. 

Infection. 2021 Jun 25:1–17. doi: 10.1007/s15010-021-01599-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34170486; PMCID: PMC8231091.


Antiviral properties of the NSAID drug naproxen Targeting the nucleoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus 

Terrier O, Dilly S, Pizzorno A, Chalupska D, Humpolickova J, Bouřa B, Berenbaum F, Quideau S, Lina B, Feve B, Adnet F, Sabbah M, Rosa-Calatrava M, Maréchal V, Henri J, Slama-Schwok A.

Molecules 2021, 26(9), 2593


Structural insight into SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies and modulation of syncytia

Bei Wang, Daniel Asarnow, Wen-Hsin Lee#, Ching-Wen Huang#, Bryan Faust#, Patricia Miang Lon Ng#, Eve Zi Xian Ngoh#, Markus Bohn#, David Bulkley#, Andrés Pizzorno*#, Hwee Ching Tan, Chia Yin Lee, Rabiatul Adawiyah Minhat, Olivier Terrier, Mun Kuen Soh, Frannie Jiuyi Teo, Yvonne Yee Chin Yeap, Yuanyu Hu, Shirley Gek Kheng Seah, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, Laurent Renia, Brendon John Hanson, Manuel Rosa-Calatrava, Aashish Manglik, Yifan Cheng, Charles S. Craik, Cheng-I Wang. 

#Equal contribution

Cell, April 23, 2021


Modeling SARS-CoV-2 viral kinetics and association with mortality in hospitalized patients from the French COVID cohort. 

Néant N, Lingas G, Le Hingrat Q, Ghosn J, Engelmann I, Lepiller Q, Gaymard A, Ferré V, Hartard C, Plantier JC, Thibault V, Marlet J, Montes B, Bouiller K, Lescure FX, Timsit JF, Faure E, Poissy J, Chidiac C, Raffi F, Kimmoun A, Etienne M, Richard JC, Tattevin P, Garot D, Le Moing V, Bachelet D, Tardivon C, Duval X, Yazdanpanah Y, Mentré F, Laouénan C, Visseaux B, Guedj J; French COVID Cohort Investigators and French Cohort Study groups.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Feb 23;118(8):e2017962118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2017962118. PMID: 33536313; PMCID: PMC7929555.


SARS-CoV-2 viral dynamics in non-human primates. 

Antonio Gonçalves, Pauline Maisonnasse, Flora Donati, Mélanie Albert, Sylvie Behillil, Vanessa Contreras, Thibaut Naninck, Romain Marlin, Caroline Solas, Andres Pizzorno, Julien Lemaitre, Nidhal Kahlaoui, Olivier Terrier, Raphael Ho Tsong Fang, Vincent Enouf, Nathalie Dereuddre-Bosquet, Angela Brisbarre, Franck Touret, Catherine Chapon, Bruno Hoen, Bruno Lina, Manuel Rosa-Calatrava, Xavier de Lamballerie, France Mentré, Roger Le Grand, Sylvie van der Werf, Jeremie Guedj. 

PLOS Computational Biology. Accepted Feb 2021


Ultrastructural modifications induced by SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells: a kinetic analysis of viral factory formation, viral particle morphogenesis and virion release.

Eymieux S, Rouillé Y, Terrier O, Seron K, Blanchard E, Rosa-Calatrava M, Dubuisson J, Belouzard S, Roingeard P.

Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021 Jan 15:1-12. doi: 10.1007/s00018-020-03745-y. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33449149 


Transcriptional Profiling of Immune and Inflammatory Responses in the Context of SARS-CoV-2 Fungal Superinfection in a Human Airway Epithelial Model.

Nicolas de Lamballerie C, Pizzorno A, Fouret J, Szpiro L, Padey B, Dubois J, Julien T, Traversier A, Dulière V, Brun P, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Terrier O.

Microorganisms. 2020 Dec 11;8(12):1974. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8121974.PMID: 33322535 


Detection of SARS-CoV-2 N-antigen in blood during acute COVID-19 provides a sensitive new marker and new testing alternatives.

Hingrat QL, Visseaux B, Laouenan C, Tubiana S, Bouadma L, Yazdanpanah Y, Duval X, Burdet C, Ichou H, Damond F, Bertine M, Benmalek N, Choquet C, Timsit JF, Ghosn J, Charpentier C, Descamps D, Houhou-Fidouh N; French COVID cohort management committee, CoV-CONTACT study group; members of the French-COVID cohort study group (by alphabetical order); member of the CoV-CONTACT study group. Principal investigator; Steering Committee; CoV-CONTACT Clinical Centers; Coordination and statistical analyses; Virological Lab; Biological Center; Partners; Sponsor; Genetic. 

Clin Microbiol Infect. 2020 Dec 8:S1198-743X(20)30721-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.11.025.


Impact on disease mortality of clinical, biological and virological characteristics at hospital admission and over time in COVID‐19 patients. 

Yazdanpanah Y, French COVID Cohort Study Group*

J Med Virol. 2021 Apr;93(4):2149-2159. doi: 10.1002/jmv.26601. 


In Vitro Combinations of Baloxavir Acid and Other Inhibitors against Seasonal Influenza A Viruses.

Checkmahomed L, Padey B, Pizzorno A, Terrier O, Rosa-Calatrava M, Abed Y, Baz M, Boivin G.

Viruses. 2020 Oct 8;12(10):1139. doi: 10.3390/v12101139.PMID: 33049959 


Inborn errors of type I IFN immunity in patients with life-threatening COVID-19.

Zhang Q, Bastard P, et al., French COVID Cohort Study Group*, et al, Casanova JL.

Science. 2020 Oct 23;370(6515):eabd4570. doi: 10.1126/science.abd4570. Epub 2020 Sep 24. PMID: 32972995; PMCID: PMC7857407.


Type I IFN immunoprofiling in COVID-19 patients.

Trouillet-Assant S, Viel S, Gaymard A, Pons S, Richard JC, Perret M, Villard M, Brengel-Pesce K, Lina B, Mezidi M, Bitker L, Belot A; COVID HCL Study group. 

Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Jul;146(1):206-208


Auto-antibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19.

Bastard P, Rosen LB et al., French COVID Cohort Study Group*, et al, Casanova JL.

Science. 2020 Sep 24:eabd4585. doi: 10.1126/science.abd4585. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32972996.


Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus-induced immune signature of infection revealed by transcriptome analysis of clinical pediatric nasopharyngeal swab samples.

Nicolas De Lamballerie C, Pizzorno A, Dubois J, Padey B, Julien T, Traversier A, Carbonneau J, Orcel E, Lina B, Hamelin ME, Roche M, Textoris J, Boivin G, Legras-Lachuer C, Terrier O, Rosa-Calatrava M.

bioRxiv 2020.05.20.106492; doi:, Accepted in Journal of Infectious Disease.


Characterization and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in nasal and bronchial human airway epithelia.

Pizzorno A, Padey B, Julien T, Trouillet-Assant S, Traversier A, Errazuriz-Cerda E, Fouret J, Dubois J, Gaymard A, Lescure FX, Dulière V, Brun P, Constant S, Poissy J, Lina B, Yazdanpanah Y, Terrier O and Rosa-Calatrava M.

Cell Reports Medecine Volume 1, Issue 4, 21 July 2020, 100059, doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2020.100059


Hydroxychloroquine use against SARS-CoV-2 infection in non-human primates. 

Maisonnasse P, Guedj J, Contreras V, Behillil S, Solas C, Marlin R, Naninck T, Pizzorno A, Lemaitre J, Gonçalves A, Kahlaoui N, Terrier O, Fang RHT, Enouf V, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Brisebarre A, Touret F, Chapon C, Hoen B, Lina B, Calatrava MR, van der Werf S, de Lamballerie X, Le Grand R.

Nature. 2020 Jul 22. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2558-4.


Timing of Antiviral Treatment Initiation is Critical to Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load.

Gonçalves A, Bertrand J, Ke R, Comets E, de Lamballerie X, Malvy D, Pizzorno A, Terrier O, Rosa Calatrava M, Mentré F, Smith P, Perelson AS, Guedj J. 

CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2020 Jun 18:10.1002/psp4.12543. doi: 10.1002/psp4.12543.


In vitro evaluation of antiviral activity of single and combined repurposable drugs against SARS-CoV-2.

Pizzorno A, Padey B, Dubois J, Julien T, Traversier A, Dulière V, Brun P, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Terrier O.

Antiviral Res. 2020 Jul 14;181:104878. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104878. 


Influenza infection rewires energy metabolism and induces browning features in adipose cells and tissues. 

Ayari A, Rosa-Calatrava M, Lancel S, Barthelemy J, Pizzorno A, Mayeuf-Louchart A, Baron M, Hot D, Deruyter L, Soulard D, Julien T, Faveeuw C, Molendi-Coste O, Dombrowicz D, Sedano L, Sencio V, Le Goffic R, Trottein F, Wolowczuk I.

Commun Biol. 2020 May 14;3(1):237. doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-0965-6. PMID: 32409640; PMCID: PMC7224208.


A novel mechanism for virally-induced hijacking of p53 identified in the context of influenza virus infection. [Article in French]

Dubois J, Rosa-Calatrava M, Terrier O.

Med Sci (Paris). 2020 Feb;36(2):106-108. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2020004. Epub 2020 Mar 4. 


Novel antiviral compounds and combination therapy for influenza viruses.

Boivin G, Rosa-Calatrava M, Lina B.

Virologie (Montrouge). 2019 Dec 1;23(6):325-328. doi: 10.1684/vir.2019.0802.


Advances in Influenza Virus-Like Particles bioprocesses.

Durous L, Rosa-Calatrava M and Petiot E.

Expert Rev Vaccines. 2019 Dec 12. doi: 10.1080/14760584.2019.1704262.


Strain-Dependent Impact of G and SH Deletions Provide New Insights for Live-Attenuated HMPV Vaccine Development.

Dubois J, Pizzorno A, Cavanagh MH, Padey B, Nicolas de Lamballerie C, Uyar O, Venable MC, Carbonneau J, Traversier A, Julien T, Lavigne S, Couture C, Lina B, Hamelin ME, Terrier O, Rosa-Calatrava M and Boivin G.

Vaccines 2019, 7(4), 164; Published: 30 October 2019.


Novel calixarene-based surfactant enables low dose split inactivated vaccine protection against influenza infection.

Mandon ED, Pizzorno A, Traversier A, Champagne A, Hamelin ME, Lina B, Boivin G, Dejean E, Rosa-Calatrava M, Jawhari A.

Vaccine. 2019 Oct 17. pii: S0264-410X(19)31381-7. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.10.018.


Characterization of cellular transcriptomic signatures induced by different respiratory viruses in human reconstituted airway epithelia.

Nicolas de Lamballerie C, Pizzorno A, Dubois J, Julien T, Padey B, Bouveret M, Traversier A, Legras-Lachuer C, Lina B, Boivin G, Terrier O & Rosa-Calatrava C. 

Scientific Reports. 2019 Aug 7; 9: 11493. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48013.


Toll-like receptor 5 agonist flagellin reduces influenza A virus replication independently of type I interferon and interleukin 22 and improves antiviral efficacy of oseltamivir.

Georgel AF, Cayet D, Pizzorno A, Rosa-Calatrava M, Paget C, Sencio V, Dubuisson J, Trottein F, Sirard JC, Carnoy C.

Antiviral Res. 2019 May 9;168:28-35. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.05.002. 


Human metapneumovirus activates NOD-like receptor protein 3 inflammasome via its small hydrophobic protein which plays a detrimental role during infection in mice.

Lê VB, Dubois J, Couture C, Cavanagh MH, Uyar O, Pizzorno A, Rosa-Calatrava M, Hamelin MÈ, Boivin G.

Front Immunol. 2019 Mar 19;10:531. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00531. eCollection 2019


Drug repurposing approaches for the treatment of influenza viral infection: Reviving old drugs to fight against a long-lived enemy. 

Pizzorno A, Padey B, Terrier O, Rosa-Calatrava M.

Front Immunol. 2019 Mar 19;10:531. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00531. eCollection 2019


Repurposing of drugs as novel influenza inhibitors from clinical gene expression infection signatures.

Pizzorno A,Terrier O, Nicolas de Lamballerie C, Julien T, Padey B, Traversier A, Roche M, Hamelin ME, Rheaume C, Croze S, Escuret V, Poissy J, Lina B, Legras-Lachuer C, Textoris J, Boivin G and Rosa-Calatrava M.

Front Immunol. 2019 Jan 29;10:60. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00060. eCollection 2019.


The non-structural NS1 protein of influenza viruses modulates TP53 splicing through the host factor CPSF4.

Dubois J, Traversier A, Julien T, Padey B, Lina B, Bourdon JC, Marcel V, Boivin G, Rosa-Calatrava M and Terrier O.

J Virol. 2019 Mar 21;93(7). pii: e02168-18. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02168-18. Print 2019 Apr 1.


OVX836 a recombinant nucleoprotein vaccine inducing cellular responses and protective efficacy against multiple influenza A subtypes.
Del Campo J, Pizzorno MA, Djebali S, Bouley J, Haller M, Perez-Vargas J, Lina B, Boivin G, Hamelin ME, Nicolas F, Le Vert A, Leverrier Y, Rosa-Calatrava M, Marvel J and Hill F. 

NPJ Vaccines. 2019 Jan 23;4:4. doi: 10.1038/s41541-019-0098-4. eCollection 2019.


Influenza viruses production: Evaluation of a novel avian cell line DuckCelt®-T17.

Petiot E, Proust A, Traversier A, Durous L, Dappozze F, Gras M, Guillard C, Balloul JM, Rosa-Calatrava M.  

Vaccine. 2018 May 24;36(22):3101-3111. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.03.102. Epub 2017 May 29. PubMed PMID: 28571695.


Role of p53/NF-kB functional balance in RSV-induced inflammation  response.

Machado D, Pizzorno A, Hoffmann J, Traversier A, Endtz H, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Paranhos-Baccala G and Terrier O. 

J Gen Virol. 2018 Apr ; 99(4):489-500. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001040. 


Influenza A viruses alter the stability and antiviral contribution of host E3-ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 during the time-course of infection.

Pizzorno A, Dubois J, Machado D, Cartet G, Traversier A, Julien T, Lina B, Bourdon JC, Rosa-Calatrava M, and Terrier O.

Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 27 ;8(1):3746. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22139-6.


Development and pre-clinical evaluation in the swine model of a mucosal vaccine tablet for human influenza viruses: A proof-of-concept study.

Busignies V, Simon G, Mollereau G, Bourry O, Mazel V, Rosa-Calatrava M and Tchoreloff P.

Int J Pharm. 2018 Mar 1;538(1-2):87-96. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2018.01.021.


RSV infection in human macrophages promotes CXCL10/IP-10 expression during bacterial co-infection. 

Machado D, Hoffmann J, Moroso M, Rosa-Calatrava M, Endtz H, Terrier O, Paranhos-Bacala.  

Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Dec 7;18(12). pii: E2654. doi: 10.3390/ijms18122654.


Generation of monoclonal pan-hemagglutinin antibodies against multiple strains of influenza.

Manceur AP, Zou W, Marcil A, Paquet E, Gadoury C, Jaentschke B, Li X, Petiot E,, Durocher Y,  Baardsnes J, Rosa-Calatrava M,  Ansorge S and Kamen AA.

PLoS One. 2017 Jun 29;12(6):e0180314. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0180314. eCollection 2017. PubMed PMID: 28662134; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5491208.


Accelerated Mass Production of Influenza Virus Seed Stocks in HEK-293 Suspension Cell Cultures by Reverse Genetics.

Milián E, Julien T, Biaggio R, Venereo-Sanchez A, Montes J, Manceur A, Ansorge S,  Petiot E, Rosa-Calatrava M, Kamen A.  

Vaccine. 2017 May 8. pii: S0264-410X(17)30557-1.


The NS1 protein from influenza virus stimulates translation initiation by enhancing ribosome recruitment to mRNAs.

Panthu B., Terrier O., Carron C., Traversier A., Corbin A., Balvay L., Lina B., Rosa-Calatrava M. and Ohlmann T.

Journal of Molecular Biology. 2017 April 20. pii: S0022-2836(17)30182-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2017.04.007


Influenza viruses production: evaluation of a novel avian cell line DUCKCELT®-T17.

Petiot E., Proust A., Traversier A., Durous L., Dappozze F., Gras M., Guillard C., Balloul J-M. and Rosa-Calatrava M.

Vaccine. 2017 May 29. pii: S0264-410X(17)30502-9. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.03.102. 


Mutations in the fusion protein heptad repeat domains of human metapneumovirus impact the formation of syncytia.

Dubois J., Cavanagh M-H., Terrier O., Hamelin M-E., Lina B., Shi R.,Rosa-Calatrava M. and Boivin G.

J Gen Virol. 2017 Jun;98(6):1174-1180. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000796. Epub 2017 Jun 14. PubMed PMID: 28613142.


Expression and purification of native and functional influenza A virus matrix 2 proton selective ion channel.

Desuzinge Mandon E, Traversier A, Champagne A, Bernier L, Audebert S, Balme S, Dejean E, Rosa-Calatrava M and A Jawhari.

Protein Expression and Purification. 2016 Nov 5;131:42-50. doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2016.11.001.


Viral and bacterial co-infection in severe pneumonia triggers innate immune responses and specifically enhances IP-10: a translational study.

Hoffmann J, Machado D, Terrier O, Pouzol S, Messaoudi M, Basualdo W, Espínola EE, Guillen RM, Rosa-Calatrava M, Picot V,Bénet T, Endtz H, Russomando G, Paranhos-Baccalà G.

Scientific Reports. 2016 Dec 6;6:38532. doi: 10.1038/srep38532.


Critical phases of viral production processes monitored by capacitance.

Petiot E, Ansorge S, Rosa-Calatrava M, and Kamen AA.

Journal of Biotechnology. 2017 Jan 20;242:19-29. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2016.11.010.


Immune signatures of protective spleen memory CD8 T cells.

Brinza L, Djebali S, Tomkowiak M, Mafille J, Loiseau C, Jouve PE, Bernard S, Buffat L, Lina B, Ottmann M, Rosa-Calatrava M, Schicklin S, Bonnefoy N, Lauvau G, Grau G, Wencker M, Arpin C, Walzer T, Leverrier Y, and Marvel J.

Scientific Report. 2016 Nov 24;6:37651. doi: 10.1038/srep37651


Nucleolin interacts with influenza A nucleoprotein and contributes to viral ribonucleoprotein complexes nuclear trafficking and efficient influenza viral replication.

Terrier O, Carron C, De Chassey B, Dubois J, Traversier A, Julien T, Cartet G, Proust A, Hacot S, Ressnikof D, Lotteau V, Lina B, Diaz JJ, Moules V and Rosa-Calatrava M.

Scientific Report. 2016 Jul 4;6:29006. doi: 10.1038/srep29006.


Impact on antiviral resistance of E119V, I222L and R292K substitutions in influenza A viruses bearing a group-2 neuraminidase (N2, N3, N6, N7, N9).

Gaymard A, Charles-Dufant A, Sabatier M, Cortay JC, Frobert E, Picard C, Casalegno JS, Rosa-Calatrava M, Ferraris O, Valette M, Ottmann M, Lina B and Escuret V.

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016 July 7. DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkw275 


Modulation of transcriptomic signature of the infected host: a new therapeutic strategy for the management of severe viral infections? Example of the flu.
Poissy J, Terrier O, Lina B, Textoris J, Rosa-Calatrava M.
Reanimation 2016 March 25 (2016) S53-S61.


Petiot E, Cuperlovic-Culf M, Shen CF, Kamen A.

Vaccine. 2015 Nov 4;33(44):5974-81. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.05.097. Epub 2015 Jun 11.

Critical assessment of influenza VLP production in Sf9 and HEK293 expression systems.

Thompson CM, Petiot E, Mullick A, Aucoin MG, Henry O, Kamen A.

BMC Biotechnol. 2015 May 16;15:31. doi: 10.1186/s12896-015-0152-x.


Influenza viruses and mRNA splicing: doing more with less.

Dubois J, Terrier O, Rosa-Calatrava M.

MBio. 2014 May 13;5(3):e00070-14. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00070-14.


Selective packaging of the influenza A genome and consequences for genetic reassortment.

Gerber M, Isel C, Moules V, Marquet R

Trends Microbiol. 2014 Aug;22(8):446-55. doi: 10.1016/j.tim.2014.04.001. Epub 2014 May 2.


Modulation of p53β and p53γ expression by regulating the alternative splicing of TP53 gene modifies cellular response.

Marcel V, Fernandes K, Terrier O, Lane DP, Bourdon JC.

Cell Death Differ. 2014 Sep;21(9):1377-87. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2014.73. Epub 2014 Jun 13.


Ultrastructural fingerprints of avian influenza A (H7N9) virus in infected human lung cells.

Terrier O, Carron C, Cartet G, Traversier A, Julien T, Valette M, Lina B, Moules V, Rosa-Calatrava M.

Virology. 2014 May;456-457:39-42. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2014.03.013. Epub 2014 Mar 28.


A functional sequence-specific interaction between influenza A virus genomic RNA segments.

Gavazzi C, Yver M, Isel C, Smyth RP, Rosa-Calatrava M, Lina B, Moulès V, Marquet R.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 8;110(41):16604-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1314419110. Epub 2013 Sep 25.


Influenza NS1 interacts with p53 and alters its binding to p53-responsive genes, in a promoter-dependent manner.

Terrier O, Diederichs A, Dubois J, Cartet G, Lina B, Bourdon JC, Rosa-Calatrava M.

FEBS Lett. 2013 Sep 17;587(18):2965-71. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2013.08.006. Epub 2013 Aug 13.


Critical role of segment-specific packaging signals in genetic reassortment of influenza A viruses.

Essere B, Yver M, Gavazzi C, Terrier O, Isel C, Fournier E, Giroux F, Textoris J, Julien T, Socratous C, Rosa-Calatrava M, Lina B, Marquet R, Moules V.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 1;110(40):E3840-8. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1308649110. Epub 2013 Sep 16.


Characterization of a key residue for hyperfusogenic phenotype in human parainfluenza virus type 2 (hPIV-2) fusion glycoprotein.

Le Bayon JC1, Terrier O, Cartet G, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M.

Virus Genes. 2013 Oct;47(2):365-9. doi: 10.1007/s11262-013-0932-0. Epub 2013 Jun 8.


Extracellular HSP27 mediates angiogenesis through Toll-like receptor 3.

Thuringer D, Jego G, Wettstein G, Terrier O, Cronier L, Yousfi N, Hébrard S, Bouchot A, Hazoumé A, Joly AL, Gleave M, Rosa-Calatrava M, Solary E, Garrido C.

FASEB J. 2013 Oct;27(10):4169-83. doi: 10.1096/fj.12-226977. Epub 2013 Jun 26.


p53 protein isoforms: key regulators in the front line of pathogen infections?

Terrier O, Bourdon JC, Rosa-Calatrava M.

PLoS Pathog. 2013;9(4):e1003246. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003246. Epub 2013 Apr 4.


Host microRNA molecular signatures associated with human H1N1 and H3N2 influenza A viruses reveal an unanticipated antiviral activity for miR-146a.

Terrier O, Textoris J, Carron C, Marcel V, Bourdon JC, Rosa-Calatrava M.

J Gen Virol. 2013 May;94(Pt 5):985-95. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.049528-0. Epub 2013 Jan 23.


Innovative germicidal UV and photocatalytic system dedicated to aircraft cabin eliminates volatile organic compounds and pathogenic micro-organisms.

Gorvel L,  Yver M, Robert E, Harmant M, Rosa-Calatrava M, Lina B, Pierre Gorvel JP, Moulès V, Albalate R, Gaüzère C.

CLEAN - Soil, Air, WaterVolume 42, Issue 6, Article first published online: 20 OCT 2013.  doi: 10.1002/clen.201300085


Interaction network linking the human H3N2 influenza A virus genomic RNA segments.

Fournier E, Moules V, Essere B, Paillart JC, Sirbat JD, Cavalier A, Rolland JP, Thomas D, Lina B, Isel C, Marquet R.

Vaccine. 2012 Dec 7;30(51):7359-67. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.09.079. Epub 2012 Oct 9.


An in vitro network of intermolecular interactions between viral RNA segments of an avian H5N2 influenza A virus: comparison with a human H3N2 virus.

Gavazzi C, Isel C, Fournier E, Moules V, Cavalier A, Thomas D, Lina B, Marquet R.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(2):1241-54. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1181. Epub 2012 Dec 5.


The influenza fingerprints: NS1 and M1 proteins contribute to specific host cell ultrastructure signatures upon infection by different influenza A viruses.

Terrier O, Moules V, Carron C, Cartet G, Frobert E, Yver M, Traversier A, Wolff T, Riteau B, Naffakh N, Lina B, Diaz JJ, Rosa-Calatrava M.

Virology. 2012 Oct 10;432(1):204-18. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2012.05.019. Epub 2012 Jul 6.


Nucleolar localization of a netrin-1 isoform enhances tumor cell proliferation.

Delloye-Bourgeois C, Goldschneider D, Paradisi A, Therizols G, Belin S, Hacot S, Rosa-Calatrava M, Scoazec JY, Diaz JJ, Bernet A, Mehlen P.

Sci Signal. 2012 Aug 7;5(236):ra57. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.2002456.


Terrier O, Marcel V, Cartet G, Lane DP, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Bourdon JC.

J Virol. 2012 Aug;86(16):8452-60. doi: 10.1128/JVI.07143-11. Epub 2012 May 30.


Post-mitotic dynamics of pre-nucleolar bodies is driven by pre-rRNA processing.

Carron C, Balor S, Delavoie F, Plisson-Chastang C, Faubladier M, Gleizes PE, O'Donohue MF.

J Cell Sci. 2012 Oct 1;125(Pt 19):4532-42. doi: 10.1242/jcs.106419. Epub 2012 Jul 5.


Recent developments with live-attenuated recombinant paramyxovirus vaccines.

Le Bayon JC, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Boivin G.

Rev Med Virol. 2013 Jan;23(1):15-34. doi: 10.1002/rmv.1717. Epub 2012 May 8.


Ten years of human metapneumovirus research.

Feuillet F, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Boivin G.

J Clin Virol. 2012 Feb;53(2):97-105. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2011.10.002. Epub 2011 Nov 9.


The chicken chorioallantoic membrane tumor assay as model for qualitative testing of oncolytic adenoviruses.

Durupt F, Koppers-Lalic D, Balme B, Budel L, Terrier O, Lina B, Thomas L, Hoeben RC, Rosa-Calatrava M.

Cancer Gene Ther. 2012 Jan;19(1):58-68. doi: 10.1038/cgt.2011.68. Epub 2011 Oct 21.


A supramolecular assembly formed by influenza A virus genomic RNA segments.

Fournier E, Moules V, Essere B, Paillart JC, Sirbat JD, Isel C, Cavalier A, Rolland JP, Thomas D, Lina B, Marquet R.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Mar;40(5):2197-209. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr985. Epub 2011 Nov 10.


Measurement of enzymatic activity and specificity of human and avian influenza neuraminidases from whole virus by glycoarray and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.

Pourceau G, Chevolot Y, Goudot A, Giroux F, Meyer A, Moulés V, Lina B, Cecioni S, Vidal S, Yu H, Chen X, Ferraris O, Praly JP, Souteyrand E, Vasseur JJ, Morvan F.

Chembiochem. 2011 Sep 5;12(13):2071-80. doi: 10.1002/cbic.201100128. Epub 2011 Jul 7.


Protective role of protease-activated-receptor 2 against influenza viruses occurs through an ERK independent pathway : implication for new influenza therapy.

Foucault ML, Moulès V, Ferraris O, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Riteau B. 

Options for the Control of Influenza VII, Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 5(supp.1), 230-251


Importance of viral genomic composition in modulating glycoprotein content on the surface of influenza virus particles.

Moulès V, Terrier O, Yver M, Riteau B, Moriscot C, Ferraris O, Julien T, Giudice E, Rolland JP, Erny A, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Frobert E, Rosa-Calatrava M, Pu Lin Y, Hay A, Thomas D, Schoehn G, Lina B.

Virology. 2011 May 25;414(1):51-62. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2011.03.011. Epub 2011 Apr 5.


Cellular transcriptional profiling in human lung epithelial cells infected by different subtypes of influenza A viruses reveals an overall down-regulation of the host p53 pathway.

Terrier O1, Josset L, Textoris J, Marcel V, Cartet G, Ferraris O, N'guyen C, Lina B, Diaz JJ, Bourdon JC, Rosa-Calatrava M.

Virol J. 2011 Jun 8;8:285. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-8-285.


Role for proteases and HLA-G in the pathogenicity of influenza A viruses.

Foucault ML, Moules V, Rosa-Calatrava M, Riteau B.

J Clin Virol. 2011 Jul;51(3):155-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2011.04.013. Epub 2011 May 25.


A new material for airborne virus filtration.

Tiliket G, Le Sage D, Moules V, Rosa-Calatrava M, Lina B, Valleton JM, Nguyen QT, Lebrun l.

Chemical Engineering Journal 173 (2011) 341-351.


Voies métaboliques, interactants cellulaires et virus influenza : le grand détournement.

Josset L, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M. 

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Gene expression signature-based screening identifies new broadly effective influenza a antivirals.

Josset L, Textoris J, Loriod B, Ferraris O, Moules V, Lina B, N'guyen C, Diaz JJ, Rosa-Calatrava M.

PLoS One. 2010 Oct 4;5(10). pii: e13169. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013169.


In vitro characterization of naturally occurring influenza H3NA- viruses lacking the NA gene segment: toward a new mechanism of viral resistance?

Moules V, Ferraris O, Terrier O, Giudice E, Yver M, Rolland JP, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Bergeron C, Ottmann M, Fournier E, Traversier A, Boule C, Rivoire A, Lin Y, Hay A, Valette M, Marquet R, Rosa-Calatrava M, Naffakh N, Schoehn G, Thomas D, Lina B.

Virology. 2010 Sep 1;404(2):215-24. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2010.04.030.


Purification of ribosomes from human cell lines.

Belin S, Hacot S, Daudignon L, Therizols G, Pourpe S, Mertani HC, Rosa-Calatrava M, Diaz JJ.

Curr Protoc Cell Biol. 2010 Dec;Chapter 3:Unit 3.40. doi: 10.1002/0471143030.cb0340s49.


Isolation of nucleoli.

Hacot S, Coute Y, Belin S, Albaret MA, Mertani HC, Sanchez JC, Rosa-Calatrava M, Diaz JJ.

Curr Protoc Cell Biol. 2010 Jun;Chapter 3:Unit3.36. doi: 10.1002/0471143030.cb0336s47.


Cold oxygen plasma technology efficiency against different airborne respiratory viruses.

Terrier O, Essere B, Yver M, Barthélémy M, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Kurtz P, VanMechelen D, Morfin F, Billaud G, Ferraris O, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M, Moules V.

J Clin Virol. 2009 Jun;45(2):119-24. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2009.03.017. Epub 2009 Apr 29.


Parainfluenza virus type 5 (PIV-5) morphology revealed by cryo-electron microscopy.

Terrier O, Rolland JP, Rosa-Calatrava M, Lina B, Thomas D, Moules V.

Virus Res. 2009 Jun;142(1-2):200-3. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2008.12.017. Epub 2009 Jan 29.


Engineering of a parainfluenza virus type 5 fusion protein (PIV-5 F): development of an autonomous and hyperfusogenic protein by a combinational mutagenesis approach.

Terrier O, Durupt F, Cartet G, Thomas L, Lina B, Rosa-Calatrava M.

Virus Res. 2009 Dec;146(1-2):115-24. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2009.09.009. Epub 2009 Sep 19.


La génétique inverse chez les Paramyxovirus: applications et perspectives.

Terrier O, Cartet G Lina B.

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The C-terminal domains of adenovirus serotype 5 protein IX assemble into an antiparallel structure on the facets of the capsid.

Fabry CM, Rosa-Calatrava M, Moriscot C, Ruigrok RW, Boulanger P, Schoehn G.

J Virol. 2009 Jan;83(2):1135-9. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01808-08. Epub 2008 Nov 12.