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Séminaire CIRI : Dr. Christiane RIEDEL

12h00; "Cryo electron microscopy, rhabdovirus architecture and pestivirus entry"
Quand ? Le 10/02/2022,
de 12:00 à 13:00
Où ? visioconférence
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Dr. Christiane RIEDEL, Institute of Virology, Dept of Pathobiology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienne, Autriche: "Cryo electron microscopy, rhabdovirus architecture and pestivirus entry"

This talk will give a short introduction to cryo electron microscopy, cryo electron tomography and structure determination. Subsequently, the talk will cover the structure determination of the rabies virus ribonucleoprotein (RNP) and place it into the context of already known RNP structures. Finally, recent findings on pestivirus (family Flaviviridae) entry and pestivirus receptor usage will be presented.

Hôte: François-Loïc Cosset

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