Induction of a strong and long-lasting neutralizing immune response by dPreS1-TLR2 agonist nanovaccine against HBV
Lamrayat et al., Antiviral Research, 2023 / Team HepVir
Located in
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A stable hepatitis D virus-producing cell line for host target and drug discovery
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Loss of hepatitis D virus infectivity upon farnesyl transferase inhibitor treatment associates with increasing RNA editing rates revealed by a new RT-ddPCR method
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YAP promotes cell-autonomous immune responses to tackle intracellular Staphylococcus aureus in vitro
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Nebulized fusion inhibitory peptide protects cynomolgus macaques from measles virus infection
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CD8 memory precursor cell generation is a continuous process
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Unique molecular signatures typify skin inflammation induced by chemical allergens and irritants
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Epicutaneous allergen immunotherapy induces a profound and selective modulation in skin dendritic-cell subsets
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Inverted direct allorecognition triggers early donor-specific antibody responses after transplantation
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