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Located in Teams / Dreux M - VIV / News
Publication Equipe REVE. Manet et al. NAR
Modulation of alternative splicing during early infection of human primary B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV): a novel function for the viral EBNA-LP protein.
Located in Teams / Ohlmann T - REVE / News
2 CIRI PhD students are local finalists of MT180
On March 19, the local finale of Ma Thèse en 180 secondes will take place, with the 12 finalists. Among them, two are doing their PhD at the CIRI: Xanthe Adams-Ward (LegioPath) et Iris Dadole (Persist).
Located in About us / Events
Kick-off of the industrial chair VIRESP
On Wednesday January 24, 2024, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) (HCL), the French National Research Agency (ANR) and Sanofi officially launched the the VIRESP industrial chair, a research project focusing on the development of techniques and tools for analyzing the risk of infection and the morbidity rate of diseases in different populations, but also to determine the benefits of vaccination programs.
Located in About us / News
2024 CNRS conferences on a boat
Embark with a scientist for a surprise and confidential mini-conference, in the form of a boat trip on the lake of the Parc de la Tête d'Or. Romain Barnault (HepVir team) will represent CIRI.
Located in About us / Events
Antibiotic resistance: How some bacteria acquire resistance genes from their environment?
Antibiotic resistance has made certain infections, sometimes common, such as urinary and respiratory infections, impossible to treat, representing a major setback in the medical care of human and animal patients. This resistance has thus become a major health issue, which has led the WHO (World Health Organization) to establish a list of bacteria in which antibiotic resistance is particularly worrying.In a new study published in the journal mBio, we focused on one of these bacteria that are particularly resistant to antibiotics, Acinetobacter baumannii. The latter is responsible for many opportunistic and nosocomial infections. We have determined the mechanisms that allow this bacterium to rapidly acquire resistance genes from neighboring bacteria.
Located in Teams / Charpentier X - Horigene / News
COVID-19: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children existed before the pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, multisystemic inflammatory syndrome affected 1,100 children. Since this first description in 2020, CIRI researchers, HCL clinicians and other international collaborators have discovered that this syndrome existed before COVID-19, and that other infectious agents could lead to this severe inflammatory syndrome in children. These findings are published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Located in Teams / Walzer T - LYACTS / Actualités
PTPN2 deficiency: Amping up JAK/STAT
Located in Teams / Walzer T - LYACTS / Actualités
Open research positions
To heighten its projects on the molecular and cellular virology of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), HEAL, the Hepatotropic & Emerging Agents Laboratory is seeking to recruit: - A post-doctoral scientist in molecular virology - An Engineer in molecular and cellular biology
Located in Teams / Cosset FL - EVIR / News
HERVCOV: A european project coordinated by Branka Horvat
The protein that opens doors to the medicine of the future and treatment of COVID-19
Located in Teams / Horvat B - IbIV / Actualités