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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Dreux M - VIV / News / Coming International symposium by Innate Sensor Community (InnaSCo) jointly with FONTINOV

Coming International symposium by Innate Sensor Community (InnaSCo) jointly with FONTINOV

International symposium by Innate Sensor Community (InnaSCo) jointly with FONTINOV

Will be held in Lyon (France), on May 4-5 2022. 

This exciting meeting will cover recent findings on Inflammasomes, Type I IFN sensors, Nod1/2, ALPK1/TIFA and TLRs in infection, cancer and autoinflammation.

The Innate Sensors Community (INNASCO) is a group of scientists initially created in Lyon, but that has since expanded to other parts of France and Europe. Our shared interest is to better understand the biology of innate immune sensors and how they are regulated in infection, cancer and/or autoimmune/autoinflammatomatory diseases. INNASCO's main goal include the fluent exchange data and tools related to innate immune sensors and aliment shared knowledge.

You will find further information including a pre-program and the list of invited speakers by consulting our website:

Invited speakers

Dimitrios Vlachakis, University of Athens, Greece Dark DNA Group - Asst Prof Dimitrios P. Vlachakis

Sofia Kossida, IGH, France

Samuel Bitoun, Bicêtre hospital, France

Sébastien Assié – Sebastien Picault, Oniris, France

Sanofi, France Antibody Drug Conjugate section, Oncology Therapeutic Unit,

Steve Renshaw, University of Sheffield, UK 

Anna Kajaste, SR-Tiget, Italy 

Petr Cigler, IOCB, CZ

Wojtek Cypryk, CMMS, PL

Andrei Turtoï, IRCM, Montpellier, France

Andrea Ablasser (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) 

Mathias Geyer(University of Bonn, Switzerland) 

Franklyn Zhong (A*STAR, Singapur) 

Soren Paludan (Aarhus University, Denmark) 

Enzo Poirier (Institue Curie, Paris). 

Charlotte Odendall (King’s London College) 

Cécile Arrieumerlou (Institut Cochin, Paris) 

Tanaya Shree (Stanford University, US) 

Selected talks + ‘poster Teasers’.

We are looking forward to seeing you in lyon. 


Comité d’organisation 

·       Marlène Dreux, CIRI

·       Caroline Goujon, IRIM

·       Uzma Hasan, CIRI

·       Thomas Henry, CIRI

·       Nadine Laguette, Institut de Génétique Humaine

·       Christelle Langevin, INRAE

·       Etienne Meunier, IBPC

·       Cécile Michallet, CRCL