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You are here: Home / About us / News / VirPath team wins two awards of research and innovation

VirPath team wins two awards of research and innovation

The VirPath team was awarded two times during the 2023 research and innovation awards ceremony of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. We look back at these awards and on the research program of the International Associate Laboratory RESPIVIR France-Canada.


On December 13, the ceremony celebrated the exceptional contribution of members of the university community to the reputation of Université Claude Bernard. The RESPIVIR France-Canada International Associated Laboratory, created by Manuel Rosa-Calatrava, co-director of the CIRI's VirPath team, with Guy Boivin's team at Université Laval, has been selected for the AAP ETOILES 2023, which supports excellence in research and innovation in line with the institution's strategic priorities. UCBL1's support for the international dynamics of VirPath's research, in the form of a PhD grant, complements and synergizes funding from Université Laval, CNRS (IRP2023) and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region (Pack Ambition International).


Manuel Rosa-Calatrava's team also received the Innovation award for its outstanding contribution to the valorization of innovation through its involvement in numerous public-private R&D partnerships, the building up of a portfolio of patents and the spin-off of innovative biotechnology companies and technological services. Based on integrated fundamental and translational research, the team's innovation and development policy is supported by its technological research platform, Virnext, and by its subsidiaries Ezus Lyon University and Lyon Ingénierie Projet. It aims to create scientific, medical, economic and societal value, and is part of the national and European sovereignty approach to protection against emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.


the research program of the respivir france - canada international associate laboratory 

CNRS Biology has selected the RESPIVIR International Associated Laboratory France - Canada (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Université Laval) research program as part of the International Research Program 2023 (IRP) call for projects.

A partnership between Université Laval and Université Claude Bernard, RESPIVIR was created by Manuel Rosa-Calatrava (VirPath, Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie) and Guy Boivin (LVMC, Centre de recherche du CHU Québec - Université Laval) to conduct integrated fundamental, translational medical and applied research on emerging and re-emerging respiratory viruses. As part of the dynamic Franco-Canadian joint committee (CMFC) on science, technology and innovation, RESPIVIR is helping to structure and strengthen the strategic international link between France and Canada, and particularly between the province of Quebec and our Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

It's a wonderful recognition of the know-how and international research dynamism of Manuel Rosa-Calatrava's team at CIRI, and we're very honoured and proud of it. The CNRS funding complements those of Université Laval, UCBL1 (ETOILE 2023) and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region (AAP Ambition International).


more about this


Évènement de valorisation du Laboratoire International Associé France-Canada RespiVIR

L'innovation à Lyon 1 mise à l'honneur



© :Eric Le Roux / Direction de la communication Université Lyon 1

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