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Inducers of the NF-κB pathways impair Hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) replication & strongly decrease progeny infectivity in vitro
Michelet, Alfaiate, Chardès et al., J Hep Reports, 2022 / Team HepVir
Located in Teams / Durantel D - HepVir / What's new for us?
Immunogenicity and efficacy of heterologous ChAdOx1–BNT162b2 vaccination
Pozzeto et al. Nature. December 2021
Located in Teams / Paul S - GIMAP / Actualités
COVID-19 vaccine is correlated with favourable epidemiological indicators in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (France): An ecological study
Located in Teams / Vanhems P - PHE3ID / Actualités
New preprint on the pyrin inflammasome
Check out our new preprint in BioRxiv by Flora and colleagues on the discovery of novel activators of the pyrin inflammasome.
Located in Teams / Henry T - I2BA / News
A prospective observational study for justification, safety, and efficacy of a third dose of mRNA vaccine in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis
by M.Espi, X.Charmetant (...) and O.Thaunat, Kidney International 2021, DOI : 10.1016/j.kint.2021.10.040
Located in Teams / Thaunat O - NOPAB / Actualités
Experience from five Asia-Pacific countries during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: Mitigation strategies and epidemiology outcomes
Travel Med Infect Dis.
Located in Teams / Vanhems P - PHE3ID / Actualités
Nature communications : last LYACTS team publication
Located in Teams / Walzer T - LYACTS / Actualités
The ROMANOV study found impaired humoral and cellular immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in virus-unexposed patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis
Espi M, Charmetant X, et al, Kid Int 2021
Located in Teams / Thaunat O - NOPAB / Actualités
Co-infection with Legionella and SARS-CoV-2, France, March 2020
C. Allam et al. Emerging Infectious Diseases Volume 27, Number 11—November 2021
Located in Teams / Doublet P/Jarraud S - LegioPath / Actualités de l'équipe
JEM, 2021, August 06 :Early nasal type I IFN immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is compromised in patients with autoantibodies against type I IFNs
Located in Teams / Walzer T - LYACTS / Actualités