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Insights on the antiviral mechanisms of action of the TLR1/2 agonist Pam3CSK4 in hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected hepatocytes
Desmares et al., Antiviral Research, 2022 / Team HepVir
Located in Teams / Durantel D - HepVir / What's new for us?
Envelopement and secretion of CCHFV
The PACS-2 protein and trafficking motifs in CCHFV Gn and Gc cytoplasmic domains govern CCHFV assembly. Gautam A, Lalande A, Ritter M, Freitas N, Lerolle S, Canus L, Amirache F, Lotteau V, Legros V, Cosset FL, Mathieu C and Boson B. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2024. doi:10.1080/22221751.2024.2348508
Located in Teams / Cosset FL - EVIR / News
The broad viral inhibitors IFITMs can regulate Golgi trafficking
Li Zhong, Yuxin Song, Federico Marziali, Rustem Uzbekov, Xuan-Nhi Nguyen, Chloé Journo, Philippe Roingeard, Andrea Cimarelli
Located in Teams / Cimarelli A - LP2L / News
Association of IFNAR1 and IFNAR2 with COVID-19 severity
The Lancet Microbe: Yaugel-Novoa M., Bourlet T., Longet S., Botehlo-Nevers E, Paul S.
Located in Teams / Paul S - GIMAP / Actualités
Prior COVID-19 Immunization Does Not Cause IgA- or IgG-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Vaccines: Yaugel-Novoa M., Noailly B., Jospin F., Berger A.E., Waeckel L., Botelho-Nevers E., Longet S., Bourlet T., Paul S.
Located in Teams / Paul S - GIMAP / Actualités
An inventory of adjuvants used for vaccination in horses: the past, the present and the future.
Carnet F, Perrin-Cocon L, Paillot R, Lotteau V, Pronost S, Vidalain PO.
Located in Teams / VIDALAIN PO - VIRIMI / News
Alteration of microbiota antibody-mediated immune selection contributes to dysbiosis in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Eva Michaud, Louis Waeckel, Rémi Gayet, Roman Goguyer-Deschaumes, Blandine Chanut, Fabienne Jospin, Katell Bathany, Magali Monnoye, Coraline Genet, Amelie Prier, Caroline Tokarski, Philippe Gérard, Xavier Roblin, Nicolas Rochereau, Stéphane Paul. Embo Molecular Medicine.
Located in Teams / Paul S - GIMAP / Actualités
A neutralizing antibody prevents postfusion transition of measles virus fusion protein
Zyla DS, Marca RD, Niemeyer G, Zipursky G, Stearns K, Leedale C, Callaway H, Sobolik E, Hariharan C, Parekh D, Avalos RD, Horvat B, Mathieu C, Greninger AL, Hastie KM, Niewiesk S, Moscona A, Porotto M, Saphire EO. Science
Located in Teams / Horvat B - IbIV / Actualités
mTOR Activation Underlies Enhanced B Cell Proliferation and Autoimmunity in PrkcdG510S/G510S Mice
Moreews M ; Mathieu AL, Pouxvielh K... Marçais A, Walzer T, Belot A
Located in Teams / Walzer T - LYACTS / Actualités
TNF-α response in macrophages depends on clinical Legionella pneumophila isolates genotypes.
Guillemot et al. 2022. Virulence. doi: 10.1080/21505594.2021.2022861
Located in Teams / Doublet P/Jarraud S - LegioPath / Actualités de l'équipe