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You are here: Home / Teams / Walzer T - LYACTS / Actualités / mTOR Activation Underlies Enhanced B Cell Proliferation and Autoimmunity in PrkcdG510S/G510S Mice

mTOR Activation Underlies Enhanced B Cell Proliferation and Autoimmunity in PrkcdG510S/G510S Mice

Moreews M ; Mathieu AL, Pouxvielh K... Marçais A, Walzer T, Belot A

mTOR Activation Underlies Enhanced B Cell Proliferation and Autoimmunity in PrkcdG510S/G510S Mice

Moreews M ; Mathieu AL, Pouxvielh K, Reuschlé Q, Drouillard A, Dessay P, Meignien M, Zhang J, Fallone L, Rousseaux N, Ainouze M, Rey A, Omarjee, O, Decembre E, Lenief V, Djebali S, Thaunat O, Dreux M, Genestier L, Defrance T, Soulas-Sprauel P, Marçais A, Walzer T, Belot A

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