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Notre équipe


François Rousset – Group leader
François Rousset did his PhD at Institut Pasteur in the lab of Dr. David Bikard where he developed CRISPR-based technologies to investigate microbial gene function. He then joined the lab of Prof. Rotem Sorek at the Weizmann Institute of Science for his postdoc where he focused on the molecular mechanisms of bacterial defenses against phages and their conservation in eukaryotes. François Rousset obtained a CNRS position and joined CIRI in 2024 to open a new research group on microbial genomics and bacterial immunity.




Kevin Barthes – PhD student
Kevin Barthes obtained a Bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Bordeaux and a Master's degree in Biotechnology from the Strasbourg Graduate School of Biotechnology. After research stays at New England Biolabs (Ipswich) and CIRI, Kevin Barthes obtained a doctoral fellowship to join the Microbial Molecular Genomics lab in October 2024. During his PhD, Kevin will develop novel approaches to investigate gene function in phage genomes.




Julie Baltenneck – Engineer
Julie Baltenneck obtained a Bachelor's degree in Genetics and a Master's degree in Microbial Pathogenesis from the Claude Bernard University of Lyon. After three years working on bacterial functional genomics in the Microbiology, Adaptation and Pathogenesis Lab of INSA Lyon, Julie joined CIRI in October 2024 to accelerate our projects on microbial genomics and bacterial immunity.