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Séminaire CIRI : Pr. Yves GAUDIN

“ Interplay between viral factories and innate immunity during rabies virus infection: a history of liquid organelles “
Quand ? Le 24/03/2022,
de 11:00 à 12:00
Où ? Salle des thèses, ENS-Lyon
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Yves Gaudin (Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell – I2BC, Paris Saclay) :  “ Interplay between viral factories and innate immunity during rabies virus infection: a history of liquid organelles “  

Abstract: Replication of Mononegavirales (MNV) occurs in viral factories which form inclusions in the host-cell cytoplasm. For rabies virus (RABV), those inclusions are called Negri Bodies (NBs). NBs have characteristics similar to those of liquid organelles: they are spherical, they fuse to form larger structures, and they disappear upon hypotonic shock. Their liquid phase was confirmed by FRAP experiments.
We developed several minimal systems (both cellular and acellular) allowing the formation of biomolecular condensates recapitulating NBs properties. Those minimal systems established RABV phosphoprotein (P) as the main regulator of the liquid liquid phase separation (LLPS).
Formation of liquid viral factories by LLPS has been extended to other MNV. This is a paradigm change in the field of MNV replication that invites us to revisit the interplay between viral factories and innate cellular immunity. As an example, we previously demonstrated that stress granules, which are also liquid biomolecular condensates containing microbes-associated-molecular-patterns recognition receptors acting as sensors of RNA virus replication, come into close contact with NBs, exchange material with them, but do not mix their content. We have now extended those observations to other components of the cellular pathway leading to interferon production demonstrating a key role of cellular biomolecular condensates in innate immunity.


Hote : Serge Lebecque (CRCL) & David Durantel

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