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Séminaire CIRI : Dr. Tomasz SKIRECKI

"Modeling bacterial pneumonia: on the road to translation "
Quand ? Le 27/10/2022,
de 11:00 à 12:00
Où ? Salle des thèses, ENS-Lyon
S'adresser à

Dr. Tomasz SKIRECKI, MD, PhD (Department of Translational Immunology and Experimental Intensive Care & Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw), " Modeling bacterial pneumonia: on the road to translation "

Tomasz Skirecki obtained the MD degree in 2012 at the Medical University of Warsaw and PhD in 2015. He is active clinical specialized in the anesthesiology and intensive care. His research interests are focused on the translational studies of immunopathogenesis of sepsis. By development of multiple preclinical models of sepsis, he studies effects of sepsis on hematopoiesis discovering disturbances in maturation of progenitor cells. Focus on the bone marrow led him to discover the phenomenon of the unique bone marrow IL-7-
rich niche that maintains and supports recovery of helper memory T cells in sepsis which shed new light on the T cells recovery in sepsis. His ongoing research is mostly focused on the host-pathogen interactions and specifically the mechanisms of the recognition of A. baumannii by the human innate immunity.

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