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Séminaire CIRI : Dr. Sandrine BOURDOULOUS

"New strategies to combat pathogenic bacteria: the example of Neisseria meningitidis"
Quand ? Le 14/06/2022,
de 11:00 à 12:15
Où ? Salle des thèses, ENS-Lyon
S'adresser à

Dr. Sandrine BOURDOULOUS (Inserm U1016-CNRS UMR8104-Université de Paris-Institut Cochin - France): "New strategies to combat pathogenic bacteria: the example of Neisseria meningitidis"

Abstract: Our team has a long-standing interest in vascular cell biology in the context of infection and inflammation, in particular at the central nervous system level, where the blood-brain barrier tightly controls neuronal environment. Vascular endothelial cells are major targets of sepsis-induced events. A wide range of invasive pathogens directly target endothelial cells and affect most aspects of endothelial cell biology, leading to edema, occlusive clotting, excessive inflammation and organ failure. Among them, Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) is still a leading cause of two rare but devastating invasive diseases: meningitis and severe sepsis (purpura fulminans). We have developed interdisciplinary approaches to elucidate the intricated network of interactions and molecular strategies elicited by this bacterial pathogen to colonize human vasculature, promote vascular dysfunction and get access to the brain. Our original research led to the identification of innovative therapeutic strategies to combat bacteria-induced severe endothelial dysfunction. We identified compounds against Type IV pili, a major virulence factor required to promote vascular colonization, and which is found in numerous bacterial pathogens. More recently, we identified a potent vascular stabilization factor conferring protection against severe sepsis.   

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