Séminaire CIRI (20.03.2025): Dr. Elise DALMAS
Quand ? |
Le 20/03/2025, de 11:00 à 12:00 |
Où ? | Salle des thèses CRC, ENS-Lyon |
S'adresser à | Helena Paidassi |
Elise DALMAS , Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Paris; “ The Watchers Within: Phenotype and Function of Islet Macrophages ”
Abstract: The pancreatic islets are key micro-organs of the endocrine system that allow the maintenance of glycemic control through hormone secretion, mainly b cell-derived insulin. The immune system finely tunes metabolic homeostasis. As such, macrophages residing inside pancreatic islets have recently emerged as an important component that may support islet integrity and endocrine function. Islet macrophages have a surprising activated phenotype even at steady-state and a certain level of islet inflammation seems required for homeostasis. The underlying mechanisms involved in their local activation, regulation and their adaptation to metabolic diseases remain unclear. Using combined technical approaches including single cell RNA sequencing, our group identified a stepwise activation pattern in islet macrophages with key metabolic properties.
Hôte : Helena Paidassi