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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Le Centre / Evenements / Séminaire CIRI (14.01.2025): Florent SEBANNE

Séminaire CIRI (14.01.2025): Florent SEBANNE

“Yersinia pestis, from fleas to rodents”
Quand ? Le 14/01/2025,
de 14:00 à 15:00
Où ? Amphi Pasteur
S'adresser à Thomas Henry

Florent SEBANNE, Institut Pasteur de Lille,“ Yersinia pestis, from fleas to rodents ”

Abstract: Yersinia pestis is the agent responsible for plague, a fatal disease in wildlife that sometimes affects humans. The presentation will focus on the physiological and molecular mechanisms that lead to the production of a transmissible infection of Y. pestis by fleas and the consequences of this transmission in mammals.

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