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You are here: Home / About us / Events / Séminaire CIRI (13.02.2024) : Dr. Eloi VERRIER

Séminaire CIRI (13.02.2024) : Dr. Eloi VERRIER

 « Characterization of the molecular interactions between Hepatitis D virus and hepatocyte factors for the development of new antiviral strategies »
When Feb 13, 2024
from 02:30 PM to 03:35 PM
Where Amphi Pasteur
Contact Name David Durantel

Dr. Eloi VERRIER, Inserm UMR_S1110,Institut de Recherche sur les Maladies Virales et Hépatiques  Strasbourg;  « Characterization of the molecular interactions between Hepatitis D virus and hepatocyte factors for the development of new antiviral strategies »

Abstract: Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is responsible for the most aggressive form of chronic viral hepatitis. To date, no treatment allows for efficient viral clearance in chronically infected patients, and new therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. HDV is a small defective virus that requires the co-infection of hepatocytes with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) to complete its viral cycle. Its small RNA genome encodes no viral polymerase, and the virus highly depends on hepatocyte factors for its replication. In this context, targeting host factors involved in the life cycle is a promising option for the development of new therapeutic strategies. This approach requires a deep understanding of the molecular interactions between HDV and the hepatocytes. The aim of our research is to characterize hepatocyte host factors involved in the HDV life cycle for the development of new antiviral therapies based on host-targeting agents.

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