Séminaire CIRI (12.09.2023) : Dr Maria Tovar
Quand ? |
Le 12/09/2023, de 11:00 à 12:00 |
Où ? | Amphi Pasteur |
S'adresser à | Branka Horvat |
Dr Maria Tovar, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche U1131, Institut de Génétique Moléculaire, Université Paris 7 75010, Paris, France: " The sources of antigenic peptides for the MHC class I pathway "
Abstract: Comprehension of Major histocompatibility class I (MHC-I) antigen presentation would contribute to the understanding of viral and cancer immune evasion as well as possible immuno-modulator mechanisms to aggregate related diseases. We focused on two different sources of antigenic peptides: study of autophagy as a protein degradative mechanism to produce antigenic peptides, and characterization of the translation complex synthesizing antigenic peptides before mRNA splicing. We uncovered that aggregate-prone glutamine and the Epstein Barr Virus-encoded EBNA1 proteins were not processed by autophagy to produce antigenic peptides while ovalbumin-free protein was. In addition, we observed pre-spliced mRNA antigenic sequence in light polysome fraction as well as the interaction between ribosomal protein L5 (RPL5) with antigenic peptide sequence from pre-spliced mRNAs.