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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Le Centre / Evenements / Séminaire CIRI (02.10.2023) : Dr. Guillaume CARISSIMO

Séminaire CIRI (02.10.2023) : Dr. Guillaume CARISSIMO

" Comparative hijacking by alphaviruses - a viral centric approach for more relevant drug target discovery? »
Quand ? Le 02/10/2023
Où ? Salle des thèses, ENS-Lyon
S'adresser à Andrés PIZZORNO

Dr. Guillaume CARISSIMO, heads the host-pathogen interactions lab in A*STAR ID Labs. Singapore : " Comparative hijacking by alphaviruses - a viral centric approach for more relevant drug target discovery? »

Abstract: Recent advances have democratised high-throughput assays to identify key host factors during viral infections. While extremely powerful, genome-wide screens, RNAseq and unbiased proteomics still suffer from the limitations of cell lines, such as low overlap with primary cells responses to infection and the lack of immune response interplay. My lab has developed a viral centric approach enabling us to compare two closely genetically related viruses in vivo and identify immune-related host targets differentially hijacked. In this talk, I’ll present our approach and some of the preliminary results of mechanistic investigation to potentially link these host factors with the differential clinical phenotypes of these viruses.

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