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You are here: Home / About us / Events / Annual meeting of the National Hepatitis Network 2024 (11-12.03.24)

Annual meeting of the National Hepatitis Network 2024 (11-12.03.24)

The Hepatitis Virus Coordinated Action 42 (AC42) is organising the next annual meeting of the Hepatitis National Network on 11 and 12 March 2024 at the Espace Saint Martin, Paris.
Annual meeting of the National Hepatitis Network 2024 (11-12.03.24)
When Mar 11, 2024 12:00 AM to
Mar 12, 2024 12:00 AM
Where Espace Saint Martin, Paris

These meetings bring together researchers and doctors to discuss the latest advances in basic and translational research into viral hepatitis in France.
The 24th meeting of the national viral hepatitis network will be a forum for scientific exchange and the establishment of collaborations, with contributions from internationally renowned scientists such as Ralf Bartenschlager, Mathias Heikenwälder and Thomas Krey.
The meeting will also be an opportunity to award prizes for theses on viral hepatitis defended in 2023.

And new this year, a prize for the best oral communication will be specially awarded to a young researcher.

More details on the programme to follow.


Registrations are open until 1 March 2024. Register here.

A call for abstracts is open for short oral presentations. Submission of abstracts is open until 15 January 2024. Submit your abstract here.


More information about this event…