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You are here: Home / About us / Events / EquipEx InfectioTron annual day (05.06.24)

EquipEx InfectioTron annual day (05.06.24)

The EquipEx InfectioTron Steering Committee invites you to take part in the Annual Day on Wednesday, June 05, 2024.
EquipEx InfectioTron annual day (05.06.24)
When Jun 05, 2024
from 01:30 PM to 06:30 PM
Where amphithéâtre INL du bâtiment Irène Joliot Curie,campus de la Doua (Villeurbanne)

The conference will take place from 1:30pm to 6:30pm in the INL amphitheater in the Irène Joliot Curie building on the La Doua campus (Villeurbanne).


After a presentation by the steering committee of the latest developments in the EquipEx, the program will be divided into two parts: a) The role of the microbiota in the response to infections, and b) Epidemiomolecular approaches. You'll find the program below.



Registration is free and mandatory. Please register before May 31st using the following link.

More information about this event…

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