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Jul 23, 2024 Embark with a scientist for a surprise and confidential mini-conference, in the form of a boat trip on the lake of the Parc de la Tête d'Or. Romain Barnault (HepVir team) will represent CIRI.
Jun 19, 2024 CIRI members gathered for a party with outdoor games and a giant paella to share on Friday, June 14.
May 22, 2024 Last year more than 40 researchers gathered in Rome for the first HERVCOV project annual meeting. This year it's time to visit another of the project partners' cities and the 2nd Annual Meeting will be held in Zaragoza, headquarters of the Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS) and IIS Aragón.
May 21, 2024 Every year, the Pint of Science festival brings together scientists and the curious for 3 evenings of popularizing science in bars. Here's a look back at CIRI doctoral students' participation in the 2024 edition!

Understanding infectious diseases to better control them

The Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI) is a joint research unit of the Lyon 1 University, Inserm, CNRS and the ENS de Lyon in partnership with VetAgro Sup, the Institut Pasteur and the Hospices Civils de Lyon. The CIRI gathers the scientific and medical research communities with complementary disciplinary backgrounds grouped in 3 specialties working together with the objective to understand host-microbe interactions to better fight infectious diseases.

Discover the CIRI: General presentation, Teams, Teaching, Clinical research, Organization, The 3 specialties and Transversal projects, Jobs and internship offers, Contact & Localization.





Jul 12, 2024 A neutralizing antibody prevents postfusion transition of measles virus fusion protein

Zyla DS, Marca RD, Niemeyer G, Zipursky G, Stearns K, Leedale C, Callaway H, Sobolik E, Hariharan C, Parekh D, Avalos RD, Horvat B, Mathieu C, (...)

Jul 04, 2024 Dengue Virus dependence on glucokinase activity and glycolysis Confers Sensitivity to NAD(H) biosynthesis inhibitors

Ogire E, Perrin-Cocon L, Figl M, Kundlacz C, Jacquemin C, Hubert S, Aublin-Gex A, Toesca J, Ramière C, Vidalain PO, Mathieu C, Lotteau V, Diaz (...)

Jul 04, 2024 Tethering of hexokinase 2 to mitochondria promotes resistance of liver cancer cells to natural killer cell cytotoxicity

Aublin-Gex A, Jacolin F, Diaz O, Jacquemin C, Marçais A, Walzer T, Lotteau V, Vidalain PO, Perrin-Cocon L. Eur J Immunol. 2024 Jun 4:e2350954. doi: (...)


Mar 24, 2023 Covid-19: infection-vaccination combination best protects against reinfection with SARS-CoV-2

Several CIRI teams carried out this work, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Dec 13, 2022 Un monde de Virus, Médecine Science

Le numéro de décembre coordonné par Anna Salvetti (équipe HepVir) et Hélène Dutartre (équipe OR) et consacré à la présence et au rôle des (...)

Nov 30, 2022 What role for cellular metabolism in the control of hepatitis viruses?

Olivier Diaz, Pierre-Olivier Vidalain1, Christophe Ramière, Vincent Lotteau and Laure Perrin-Cocon. Front. Immunol. 13:1033314.


Last seminars

Jun 27, 2024 Séminaire CIRI (27.06.2024): Veronika KRCHLIKOVA

“ Misdirected activity of antiviral proteins in pregnancy complications ”

May 27, 2024 Séminaire CIRI (27.05.2024): Pr. Raju MUKHERJEE

“ Complex mechanism of antibiotic action in mycobacteria ”

May 21, 2024 Séminaire CIRI (21.05.2024): Lucie MARCHAL

“ Les biais cognitifs : un frein à l'égalité professionnelle ”

Apr 16, 2024 Séminaire CIRI (16.04.2024) : Lucie BERNARD

"Interferons as mediators of virally-triggered intestinal damage"

Apr 02, 2024 Séminaire CIRI (02.04.2024) : Sébastien STORCK

“ DNA methylation and germinal center reaction: what Hells? ”


Oct 16, 2024 NK/ILC symposium 2024 (16-18.10.24)

The NK/ILC symposium 2024 will take place at the amphithéatre Mérieux, Ecole Normale Supérieure, (...)


Aug 31, 2024 2024 CNRS conferences on a boat

Embark with a scientist for a surprise and confidential mini-conference, in the form of a boat trip (...)

Last thesis defenses

Jan 20, 2022 Soutenance de Corentin JABOULAY - équipe LEGIOPATH

Rôles des voies de signalisation à diGMP cyclique dans le cycle infectieux de Legionella (...)

Oct 05, 2021 PhD defense of Marion Delphin, team HepVir

Polarization of Hepatic Macrophages by HBsAg, a means to an end for viral maintenance