The broad viral inhibitors IFITMs can regulate Golgi trafficking
Li Zhong, Yuxin Song, Federico Marziali, Rustem Uzbekov, Xuan-Nhi Nguyen, Chloé Journo, Philippe Roingeard, Andrea Cimarelli
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Cimarelli A - LP2L
The dual-specificity kinase DYRK1A interacts with the Hepatitis B virus genome and regulates the production of viral RNA
Pastor et al., Plos One, 2024 / Team HepVir
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Durantel D - HepVir
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The Journal of Immunology : last publication LYACTS team
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Walzer T - LYACTS
The low-density lipoprotein receptor and apolipoprotein E associated with CCHFV particles mediate CCHFV entry into cells
Nat Commun. 2024 May 28;15(1):4542.doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48989-5.
Maureen Ritter, Lola Canus, Anupriya Gautam, Thomas Vallet, Li Zhong, Alexandre Lalande, Bertrand Boson, Apoorv Gandhi, Sergueï Bodoirat, Julien Burlaud-Gaillard, Natalia Freitas, Philippe Roingeard, John N Barr, Vincent Lotteau, Vincent Legros, Cyrille Mathieu, François-Loïc Cosset, Solène Denolly
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Cosset FL - EVIR
The macrophage–bacterium mismatch in persister formation
Trends in Microbiology; I. Dadole, D. Blaha, N. Personnic
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CIRI group : Personnic N - Persist
The ROMANOV study found impaired humoral and cellular immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in virus-unexposed patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis
Espi M, Charmetant X, et al, Kid Int 2021
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Thaunat O - NOPAB
TNF-α response in macrophages depends on clinical Legionella pneumophila isolates genotypes.
Guillemot et al. 2022. Virulence. doi: 10.1080/21505594.2021.2022861
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Doublet P/Jarraud S - LegioPath
Actualités de l'équipe
Tumor-induced natural killer cell dysfunction is a rapid and reversible process uncoupled from the expression of immune checkpoints
Kévin Pouxvielh, Marie Marotel, Annabelle Drouillard, Marine Villard, Marion Moreews, Anna Bossan, Mathilde Poiget, Liliane Khoryati,Sarah Benezech, Lucie Fallone, Sarah Hamada, Noémi Rousseaux, Louis Picq, Yamila Rocca, Aurore Berton, Marine Teixeira,
Anne- Laure Mathieu, Michelle Ainouze, Uzma Hasan, Alain Fournier, Olivier Thaunat, Antoine Marçais, Thierry Walzer /
Science Advances , 2024, Aug 28
Located in
Walzer T - LYACTS
Unique molecular signatures typify skin inflammation induced by chemical allergens and irritants
Lefevre MA , Nosbaum A, Rozieres A, Lenief V, Mosnier A, Cortial A, Prieux M, De Bernard S, Nourikyan J, Jouve PE, Buffat L, Hacard F, Ferrier-Lebouedec MC, Pralong P, Dzviga C, Herman A, Baeck M, Nicolas JF, Vocanson M. . Jaci. 2022. 6749(22)00884-3
Located in
Vocanson M - IEA
Unmasking the potential of secretory IgA and its pivotal role in protection from respiratory viruses
Antiviral Res: Sinha D., Yaugel-Novoa M., Waeckel L., Paul S., Longet S. DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2024.105823
Located in
Paul S - GIMAP