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Il y a 70 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
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Séminaire CIRI (13.12.2023) : Dr. Karim MAJZOUB
 « Deltavirus infection in human and animal cells »
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Séminaire CIRI (12.12.2023) : Pr. Ali MIRAZIMI
« From Virus-Host Cell Interaction to Developing a Vaccine Against Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus »
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Séminaire CIRI (29.11.2023) : Dr. Maisem LAABEI & Dr. Serena BETTONI
 « Developing small molecule inhibitors of Lipoteichoic acid synthesis » & « Group A streptococcus and inflammasomes: role of C4BP » Séminaire annulé
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Séminaire CIRI (16.11.2023) : Dr. Mireille ANSALDI
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Séminaire CIRI (07.11.2023) : Dr. Kévin MACE
« Unravelling the secrets of bacterial Type 4 Secretion Systems : from pilus biogenesis to pathogenicity »
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Forum Infectiologie (24.10.2023): Pr. Christian MÜNZ
 « In vivo models of Epstein Barr virus induced lymphomagenesis and cell-mediated immune control »
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Séminaire CIRI (10.10.2023) : Pr. Roberto CATTANEO
 « A lethal genome collective : brain tropism acquisition by measles virus »
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Séminaire CIRI (09.10.2023) : Dr. Jan HELLERT
 « A structural account of bunyavirus membrane fusion »
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Séminaire CIRI (06.10.2023) : Dr. Emmanuelle QUEMIN
 « Studying poxvirus infection using cellular cryo electron tomography »
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Séminaire CIRI (02.10.2023) : Dr. Guillaume CARISSIMO
" Comparative hijacking by alphaviruses - a viral centric approach for more relevant drug target discovery? »
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