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Baize S - UBIVE

Unit of Biology of Emerging Viral Infections Read more

Charpentier X - Horigene

Horizontal gene transfer in bacterial pathogens Read more

Cimarelli A - LP2L

Host-pathogen interaction during Lentiviral Infection Read more

Cosset FL - EVIR

Enveloped viruses, Vectors and ImmunotheRapy Read more

Doublet P/Jarraud S - LegioPath

Legionella Pathogenesis Read more

Dreux M - VIV

Vesicular trafficking, innate response and viruses Read more

Durantel D - HepVir

Interplay between HBV and HDV and liver host factors Read more

Dutartre H/Journo C - OR

Retroviral oncogenesis Read more

Faure M - APY

Autophagy Infection Immunity Read more

Genestier L/Bachy E - LIB

Lymphoma Immuno-Biology Read more

Henry T - I2BA

Inflammasome, bacterial infections and autoinflammation Read more

Horvat B - IbIV

Immunobiology of viral infections Read more

Lina B - VirPath

Virology and human respiratory Pathologies Read more

Marvel J - ICL

Immunity and cytotoxic CD8 T-lymphocytes Read more

Ohlmann T - REVE

RNA Expression in Viruses and Eukaryotes Read more

Paul S - GIMAP

Pathophysiology and biotherapies of mucosal infections (GIMAP) Read more

Py B - NLRP3

NLRP3 inflammasome and immune response to sepsis Read more

Thaunat O - NOPAB

Normal and pathogenic B cell responses Read more

Vandenesch F - Stapath

Staphylococcal Pathogenesis Read more

Vanhems P - PHE3ID

Public Health, Epidemiology and Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases Read more


Viral Infection, Metabolism and Immunity. Read more

Vocanson M - IEA

Epidermal Immunity and Allergy Read more

Volchkov V - MBVP

Molecular Basis of Viral Pathogenicity Read more

Walzer T - LYACTS

Lymphocyte activation and signaling Read more

CIRI group: Mathieu C - NITROVIRE

CIRI Group: NeuroInvasion, TROpism and VIRal Encephalitis Read more

CIRI group : Personnic N - Persist

Persistence and Single-Cell Dynamics of Respiratory Pathogens Read more

CIRI Group: Rousset F - GenoMic

Microbial Molecular Genomics Read more


Centre d'Excellence sur les Pathogènes Respiratoires Read more

Team presentations

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