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Any questions? Looking for collaboration ? Here are our contact details!

Science & technology


Nicolas Personnic, PhD - Group Leader - CR CNRS
Group Persistence and Single-Cell Dynamics of Respiratory Pathogens (PERSIST)
Centre international de recherche en infectiologie (CIRI)
CNRS UMR5308 - Inserm U1111 - ENS Lyon - UCBL
Campus de la Doua - 10 rue Raphael Dubois, Bat. Lwoff - 69622 Villeurbanne cedex - France


Administrative manager


Mrs. Clara Blasco
tel: 0033 437 28 76 48
Centre international de recherche en infectiologie (CIRI)
CNRS UMR5308 - Inserm U1111 - ENS Lyon - UCBL
21 avebue Tony Garnier - 69365 Lyon cedex 07 - France
Mrs. Carine Lazert
tel: 0033 437 28 23 57
Centre international de recherche en infectiologie (CIRI)
CNRS UMR5308 - Inserm U1111 - ENS Lyon - UCBL
21 avebue Tony Garnier - 69365 Lyon cedex 07 - France