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You are here: Home / Teams / Cosset FL - EVIR / StruVir / Overview



Dissect processes during the viral replication cycle employing functional, dynamic and structural analysis. 

Employed pathogens

Please meet our favorite 'pets':

  1. Pestiviruses, important pathogens of cloven-hooved animals
  2. PRRSV (short for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus), a major swine pathogen within the family Arteriviridae
  3. Lyssaviruses, grouping viruses with the potential to cause rabies


Technical repertoire

The foundation of our work are classical molecular virology approaches. 

Our special technical knowledge consists of

Structure determination by cryo electron tomography and subtomogram averaging

Knock-out screens in non-model organisms

Live cell imaging of virus entry events



Christiane Riedel, PU ENS de Lyon

Sandrine Alais, IR INSERM

Laurina Belgrand, Doctorante ENS de Lyon
