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Recrutement équipe EVIR

L'équipe EVIR recherche deux post-docs.

Two Post-doctoral positions open at CIRI, Lyon, France

“Understanding host-pathogen interaction processes that control chronic and acute infections by human viral pathogens”

The team EVIR - Enveloped viruses, Vectors and Immunotherapy - at CIRI is welcoming applications from enthusiastic and independent Post-doctoral candidates to start research projects on the cellular and molecular aspects of “Cell entry of hepatitis B virus (HBV)” (Position 1) and “Assembly and maturation of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV)” (Position 2). Either position is currently available.

Environment: The host team is part of the CIRI - International Center for Infectiology Research (, in Lyon, France. The laboratory provides state-of-the-art facilities for cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry and top-level research virology with levels 3 and 4 laboratories and animal housing. It is situated on the Campus Charles Mérieux, a research environment endowed with strong basic biology sciences, which has a particular dedication in the research on infectious diseases. The lab is part of to the LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence) Ecofect ( on Eco-evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases. The host lab has a particular interest in translating its basic science discoveries in translational research in immunotherapy.

Candidates: The applicants are expected to have a strong background in molecular and cellular biology. The ideal candidates should be highly motivated, curious and enthusiastic to work in a collaborative team. Prior experience in molecular virology and immuno-virology, and international training will constitute an advantage. Proven ability to identify research objectives and meet agreed deadlines, self-motivation, flexibility, and assistance to others ongoing research works are essential. Excellent written and communication skills in English are required.

Application: Candidates are invited to contact François-Loïc Cosset ( for further details. Please specify if you apply to the post-doctoral position on HBV or CCHFV. Please send an application with the following:

- Cover letter

- Concise summary of previous research activities

- Curriculum vitae including publication list and contact details for 2-3 referees

Date of publication: 26th July 2021                           Deadline for application: 15th September 2021

Recent publications related to the positions:

Perez-Vargas J, Teppa E, Amirache F, Boson B, Pereira de Oliveira R, Combet C, Bockmann A, Fusil F, Freitas N, Carbone A, Cosset FL. 2021. A fusion peptide in preS1 and the human protein disulfide isomerase ERp57 are involved in hepatitis B virus membrane fusion process. Elife 10:e64507.

Freitas N, Enguehard M, Denolly S, Levy C, Neveu G, Lerolle S, Devignot S, Weber F, Bergeron E, Legros V, Cosset FL. 2020. The interplays between Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) M segment-encoded accessory proteins and structural proteins promote virus assembly and infectivity. PLoS Pathog 16:e1008850.