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Présentation de l'équipe

Healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial resistance and prevention

Antimicrobial resistance is among the most menacing threats to human health. The emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance is a global phenomenon encompassing human and animal health as well as the environment. Hospitals remain the main hotspots of antimicrobial resistance because they concentrate a high rate of antibiotic use and fragile patients.

The research programme of the PHE3ID team adresses the causes and consequences of healthcare associated infections and antimicrobial resistance from the standpoints of public health and evolutionary ecology. Our methods involve clinical research, statistics, and evolutionary ecology, with a multi-pathogen focus. We also focus on the identification of determinants of, and prevention against, hospital acquired infections, with a specific interest into pulmonary infections and vaccine epidemiology.

History, localization of the PHE3ID Team

The PHE3ID team was created in 2021 to foster research on infection control and public health in collaboration with the Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) university hospitals. The team is lead by Philippe Vanhems, epidemiologist, and Jean-Philippe Rasigade, evolutionary microbiologist. Most permanent researchers have a medical background and work at the HCL in infection prevention and control, clinical microbiology or intensive care departments. The team hosts an average of 3 post-docs and 4 PhD students. PHE3ID headquarters are located at the Faculté de Médecine Laennec, 7 rue Guillaume Paradin, 69008 Lyon. Several PIs are also located in hospital laboratories and departments including the Infection Prevention and Control Dept. of the Edouard Herriot Hospital and the Institute for Infectious Agents of the Croix-Rousse Hospital.

Major research themes

Determinants of healthcare-associated infections. We use observational clinical studies and modelling methods to decipher the risk factors and prognostic factors of healthcare-associated infections, with a strong focus on lung infections (including flu and COVID-19) and intensive care patients.

Antimicrobial resistance in the hospital ecosystem. We develop eco-evolutionary models of bacterial populations in hospitals and how these populations are shaped by antibiotic treatments and patient movements in healthcare networks.
Real-time, automated epidemic surveillance and detection. We develop scalable data analytic tools to implement hospital-wide surveillance of microbiological data, coupled with automated anomaly detection methods to accelerate responses to emerging epidemics.

Vaccine epidemiology. We study vaccine coverage and vaccine effectiveness mostly against influenza. As a partner of I-REIVAC network, PHE3ID mobilizes resources from national and international collaborative studies to investigate influenza vaccine effectiveness in hospitalized patients and associated determinants. Ongoing research include assessment of Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness.