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Projets "intra-muros" CIRI

Initiés peu après la fondation du Centre comme moyen de mettre en œuvre notre politique scientifique, le programme de projets intra-muros du CIRI vise à encourager les efforts de collaboration entre les groupes du CIRI sur tous les aspects de la recherche, en mettant l'accent sur la recherche fondamentale, translationnelle ou technologique et le développement.

Suite un appel d'offre interne, des projets sont soutenus sous la forme de subventions d'amorçage pour une durée d'un an.

Depuis le lancement du programme en 2015, plusieurs projets ont bénéficié du label intra-muros CIRI. La plupart d'entre eux ont abouti à des publications et/ou maturé jusqu'à l'obtention de financements externes.


Liste de projets subventionnés: 




Établir des organoïdes des voies respiratoires inférieures humaines

  • Collaboration entre le Groupe Persist et les chercheurs travaillant sur la Tuberculose (Dr. Oana Dumitrescu) au sein de l'equipe StaPath

En savoir plus 


Cultures organotypiques CIRIennes de foie humain (CIRI-hOLiC)

  • ​​Collaboration entre le groupe Nitrovire et les équipes HepVir et VIRIMI 

En savoir plus



Deciphering the molecular architecture of the transcription complex of vesicular stomatitis virus by cryo electron tomography

  • Collaboration between the IbIV team and Riedel


Molecular bases of filovirus RNA recognition by intracellular sensors

  • Collaboration between the UBIVE and BMPV teams


Ex vivo organ cultures for testing innovative antivirals against SARS-CoV-2 and Nipah virus

  • Collaboration between the IbIV and VIRIMI teams


Bacteria-eating amoebae to help treat skin infections

  • Collaboration between the Horigene and EIA teams


Impact of HPV38 E6/E7 oncoproteins on the immune response to allergens

  • Collaboration between the ICL and EIA teams



Development of Cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) mouse sepsis model

  • Collaboration between the NLRP3 and NOPAB teams


Deciphering interactions between metabolic pathways and the innate antiviral response: a first proof of concept with the Hepatitis B virus

  • Collaboration between the HepVir and VIRIMI teams




Autophagy and maturation statuses in human primary dendritic cells upon HTLV-1 infection

  • Collaboration between the APY and OR teams


Virus-Natural Killer cell repertoire interaction

  • Collaboration between the LYACTS and Lp2L teams




The lung-on-a-chip as a new platform for studying respiratory diseases

  • Collaboration between the LegioPath, VirPath Stapath teams


Single-cell response in space

  • Collaboration between the NOPAB and EIA teams


Generation of a new congenic mouse to improve HSC engraftment and adoptive cell transfer experiments: the B6.1/CIRI mouse

  • Collaboration between the  ICL and LYACTS teams


Analyzing centrosomal alterations by oncogenic viruses using proximity-dependent Biotin Identification

  • Collaboration between the groups OR team and researchers working on EBV




Study of the effect of fusion inhibitory peptides in the prevention and treatment of Influenza virus infection

  • Collaboration between the IbIV and VirPath teams



Development of Crispr/cas9 genome‐wide screens in primary cells: Understanding the macrophage‐NK cells cross‐talk during intracellular bacterial infections

  • Collaboration between the LYACTS, I2BA and EVIR teams


Implementing Single cell RNA-seq at the CIRI

  • Collaboration between the REVE and ICL teams


Tn-seq: Comprehensive genetics of host-pathogen interaction and acquired resistance

  • Collaboration between the Horigene, LegioPath and Stapath teams




Implementing research on Ebola virus at the CIRI

  • Collaboration between the BMPV, REVE and VIV teams


Implementing research on Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus (CCHF) at the CIRI

  • Collaboration between the IbIV, APY, EVIR, REVE and Fondation Mérieux teams