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You are here: Home / Research / Specialties / Virology


In the fight against infectious diseases, the major force of the CIRI is the diversity of the viral pathogens studied as well as the approaches used by the different teams. The viruses of interest for the CIRI span from emerging and highly pathogenic viruses to acute/chronic ones with approaches that range from fundamental cellular biology and the development/use of appropriate animal models to the study of their clinical dimensions.

The main viruses studied are Ebola, Nipah, Crimean-Congo Fever, Zika, Dengue, Hepatitis viruses, HIV, Glu, Coronavirus, EBV, HTLV-1... 


Baize S - UBIVE

Unit of Biology of Emerging Viral Infections Read more

Cimarelli A - LP2L

Host-pathogen interaction during Lentiviral Infection Read more

Cosset FL - EVIR

Enveloped viruses, Vectors and ImmunotheRapy Read more

Dreux M - VIV

Vesicular trafficking, innate response and viruses Read more

Durantel D - HepVir

Interplay between HBV and HDV and liver host factors Read more

Horvat B - IbIV

Immunobiology of viral infections Read more

Lina B - VirPath

Virology and human respiratory Pathologies Read more


Viral Infection, Metabolism and Immunity. Read more

Dutartre H/Journo C - OR

Retroviral oncogenesis Read more

Ohlmann T - REVE

RNA Expression in Viruses and Eukaryotes Read more

Vanhems P - PHE3ID

Public Health, Epidemiology and Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases Read more

Volchkov V - MBVP

Molecular Basis of Viral Pathogenicity Read more

CIRI group: Mathieu C - NITROVIRE

CIRI Group: NeuroInvasion, TROpism and VIRal Encephalitis Read more

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