IRCI 2022

When |
Jun 15, 2022 09:00 AM
Jun 17, 2022 06:00 PM |
The focus of the IRCI symposium allows prominent scientists and clinicians to present their recent data in the multidisciplinary area of immunology in cancer and/or infectious diseases. As in our prior 1st IRCI symposium in 2017, our goal is to keep the number of participants limited thereby driving increased discussion between leaders in the field and attendees, thus strengthening as well as defining immunological research and curative therapies in the near future.
The IRCI meeting is organized by researchers from two leading centers in Lyon, the CIRI and CRCL. The first edition gathered more then 340 people from all around the world. This 2022 edition will highlight the recent discoveries in innate and adaptive immunity, immuno-metabolism; immunotherapy and (epi)genetics.