Inauguration of the Artemis biomanufacturing platform for innovative therapies
On February 7, 2025, HCL inaugurated the ARTEMIS bioproduction platform for innovative therapies, located at the Edouard Herriot Hospital. This platform will produce and make available to HCL patients innovative new therapies based on immune system modification. This project was made possible thanks to the Fondation HC through the VINCI projet (VaINCre les maladies dys-Immunitaires - defeating dys-Immune diseases).
The development of these new therapeutics is based on the latest advances in cutting-edge immunology research, carried out at CIRI by the project's main promoters, Professors Sébastien Viel, Emmanuel Bachy, Alexandre Belot, Florence Ader, Fabienne Venet and Olivier Thaunat.
Find out more (in french) about the Artemis platform, and the HCL's LIFe (Lyon Immunopathology Federation), a strong collective of HCL immunopathologists, also led by CIRI researchers from outside the hospital.
Salima Hacein-Bey and some of the CIRI medical researchers at the inauguration of the Artemis platform (Fabienne Venet, Olivier Thaunat, Sébastien Viel, Alexandre Belot and Florence Ader).