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You are here: Home / About us / Events / CIRI seminar: Pr. Paul GUICHARD

CIRI seminar: Pr. Paul GUICHARD

"Expansion microscopy for Structural cell biology: from centriole architecture to human diseases"
When Jul 12, 2022
from 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM
Where Salle des thèses, ENS-Lyon
Contact Name Chloé Journo

Pr Paul GUICHARD, (Dpt. of Cell Biology, University of Geneva); "Expansion microscopy for Structural cell biology: from centriole architecture to human diseases"

Abstract: The centriole is an evolutionary conserved organelle that coordinates fundamental biological processes including cell division, cellular signalling and cell motility. This organelle, of 500 nm long and 250 nm in diameter is composed of about 100 different proteins, some of which have been associated with human diseases. How these proteins are organized at the level of the centriole architecture and how associated mutations could be involved in pathologies is still poorly understood. I will present the latest work from my laboratory, which tackle these fundamental structural cell biology questions using cryo-tomography, cell biology and our newly developed ultrastructure expansion microscopy (U-ExM) method

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