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Results of the CIRI Quality of Life at Work survey

Results of the CIRI quality of life and working conditions survey 

A survey was e-mailed to liste.ciri at the beginning of April and closed at the end of May. Thank you to the 113 people who responded. 

Part of the questions concerned the organization of the Annual General Meeting on March 5, 2024, attended by 217 people. Of those who responded to the survey, 86 had attended the meeting, with over 60% expressing satisfaction.

192 people took an active part in the training course on sexual and gender-based violence organized during this meeting. Of those who responded to the survey, 90% were satisfied. 

More than 60% of respondents were in favor of organizing a new training session at the next meeting, on the theme of QVCT in general, and harassment in particular. The Laboratory Council has approved the organization of a training session on this subject.. 

Finally, the last part of the questionnaire is a barometer of Quality of Life at Work at CIRI, which will be reproposed to you at the end of the year.

Overall, the results are as follows: 



Some staff have raised problems in the comments section of the questionnaire. As the questionnaire is anonymous, they cannot be contacted again. We invite them to get in touch with their managers, their HR or the referents for reporting to find solutions. Don't hesitate to consult the CIRI website, which lists QHV and reporting resources. 

Detailed results (on intranet)

Detailed survey results are available on the intranet at This analysis includes a summary of free comments.